Four armed Palestinians killed on way to terrorist incursion from Gaza

The IDF thwarted an armed Palestinian incursion from the Gaza Strip early Saturday morning. The military spokesman reported that an IDF lookout spotted a Palestinian group approaching the Gaza-Israeli border in the southern Khan Younes sector. They were armed with a Kalashnikov, hand grenades and an RPG. When the first crossed the border, the soldiers opened fire and killed four would-be infiltrators, after one of them hurled a hand grenade. None of the soldiers were hurt. In the course of the event, Israeli forces shelled Hamas positions. The IDF Golani Brigade’s 12th Battalion took part in the incident. Nine days ago, three of this same unit’s members including an officer were injured in a Hamas attack.

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6 thoughts on “Four armed Palestinians killed on way to terrorist incursion from Gaza

    • Aug 10, 2019 @ 10:52 at 10:52

      . . . and Iran is not a glaring threat to Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and others?

      The IDF and its Arab allies are preparing for the “mother of all battles, and the towel-headed “mother phuckers” are in for a devastating surprise that they did not anticipate.

      Marg Bar Diktator!

    • Aug 11, 2019 @ 0:49 at 0:49

      Yes, Iran considers Israeli self defence to be a glaring threat. Nothing surprising about that. Israeli self defence has been considered unacceptable in the Arab world since Israel’s inception and before that the same is true of the Jewish people acting in self defence.

  • Aug 10, 2019 @ 13:22 at 13:22

    Israels problem is its incapable,weak Bibi – gov. Bibi!
    Begin would have eliminated the iranian a decade ago – but Bibi is a fearful talker , laking courage and too busy with legal problems + coming elections…
    Poor Israel, if only you still had leaders like Begin…

  • Aug 10, 2019 @ 17:05 at 17:05

    The Golani Bridade is one of the most highly decorated infantry units in the IDF.
    The 12th Battalion is called the Barak Battalion.
    Barak is a Hebrew name meaning “lightning”.
    It appears in the Hebrew Bible as the name of an Israelite general.
    Golani’s soldiers are designated by brown berets.
    If you are an infiltrator and see brown berets in front of you, better run the other way as quick and far as you can.

  • Aug 11, 2019 @ 5:07 at 5:07

    Kudos to the IDF, on the extermination of the “jookeem”.


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