Fresh round of US anti-Russia sanctions

The United States Friday announced new sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest men and 17 top government officials, close to President Vladimir Putin. They are intended to punish the Russian president through his inner circle for interference in the 2016 presidential election. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, “Russian oligarchs and elites who profit from this corrupt system will no longer be insulated from the consequences of their government’s destabilizing activities.” Among those sanctioned are Oleg V. Deripaska, an oligarch who once had close ties to President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort.


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6 thoughts on “Fresh round of US anti-Russia sanctions

  • Apr 6, 2018 @ 19:15 at 19:15

    The west is in a PIPE DREAM if they think they going to break the Russians!!

    • Apr 7, 2018 @ 2:04 at 2:04

      A PIPE DREAM like the fall of Russias Berlin Wall, the end of the Soviet grip on Eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia, etc.).

      If Russia couldn’t steal everything, Russia would have NOTHING.

  • Apr 6, 2018 @ 19:25 at 19:25

    No botox injecions in the cheeks for Putin this year?
    Why this look suddenly so much older only because the testosterone has drained up, and looks like an old lady? Perhaps because Mother Russia is not sexy anymore?

  • Apr 7, 2018 @ 3:08 at 3:08

    Glad this administration has finally realized the danger of Russia (Putin). Putin and his government must understand that they will not succeed in whatever dirty works they may be conducting against us. I was afraid that Trump may not be tough on Putin and his thugs but it looks like he is at least lessening to his advisors.

  • Apr 7, 2018 @ 11:15 at 11:15

    just like the Babylonian, the Roman, the USSR, so WILL the US and EU Empires fall, its a matter of time!!


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