Gantz: As prime minister I won’t allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon
In his first appearance at an international forum, Benny Gantz, founder of the new Hossen L’Yisrael party, vowed that, on his watch, Iran would not gain a nuclear weapon. Addressing a small audience on the sidelines of the Munich conference, Gantz said that on Iran, he “stands shoulder to shoulder with Netanyahu.” His address was studded with references to himself as candidate for prime minister following the April 9 election.
Benny Gantz should change his name to Benny Schwantz this is a more fiting name for a Schmuck
Time to throw some MOABs on the nuclear facilities of Iran, maybe they become critical by the heat and pressure generated by the conventional MOAB 🙂
Ohhh, . . . I like that idea, . . . if it is a motion, does it need a second to succeed???
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