Gantz urges “responsible annexation” close to the Trump peace plan

Alternate PM, defense minister Benny Gantz, for the first time shared his views on security issues with journalists. In a briefing on Tuesday, Gantz said: “If the Palestinians are willing, plans for the territory can be promoted together. But we won’t wait for the Palestinians forever. If they say no to everything, we’ll be forced to move forward without them.”  He went on to say: “The good thing about the Trump plan is that it is realistic as to the factual situation. It is up to us to start shaping a future settlement in consideration of the facts on the ground.”

The defense minister stressed that his Kahol Lavan party is involved and influential in the decisions relating to the application of Israel sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria. “Whatever we do carries a price and if we do nothing, that too will cost us.” He then pledged: “We won’t bring Palestinians into our territory or harm human rights. We’ll work in coordination with the countries of the region without endangering peace agreements.”

Turning to another issue, Gantz said that the Islamic Republic poses an ever-growing threat which is able to reach the State of Israel.


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