Government imposes gag on ICC controversy

The Israeli government in its weekly session on Sunday classified as secret all references to the decision of the International Crimes Court in the Hague to probe Israel for offences in “Palestinian areas.” The ministers passed the subject over to the security-policy cabinet. PM Binyamin Netanyahu again denounced the Hague court: “While we are moving forward in new areas of hope and peace with our Arab neighbors, the ICC in The Hague has taken a step backwards. On Friday, it finally became a weapon in the political war against the State of Israel.”

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15 thoughts on “Government imposes gag on ICC controversy

  • Dec 22, 2019 @ 16:20 at 16:20

    the establishment of settlements in the West Bank – is an illegal act as occupying power is not allowed to settle civilians in the occupied territory… Yes ethnic cleansing to make way for colonization is very illegal…

    • Dec 23, 2019 @ 1:17 at 1:17

      Your a mere sh!t fly wishing it could bark like a puppy

  • Dec 22, 2019 @ 16:34 at 16:34

    Then there is the collective punishment another very illegal activity not to mention the shooting of thousands upon thousands of unarmed civilians, protesters who have been locked up in what most call open air prisons and were shot protesting while marching along their prison camp wall.

    • Dec 23, 2019 @ 1:19 at 1:19

      Totally untrue, heinous, and intentionally wrong interpretation.
      Only lies and exaggerations here: “unarmed civilians”, “locked up”, “while marching along”.
      You are bitten by the cancer of antisemitism to the bone.
      Palestinians are to condemn here, only them.

  • Dec 22, 2019 @ 16:42 at 16:42

    A question that should come to mind is what about the dead, well there the Israelis take the organs and sell them. Illegal organ harvesting is another very illegal activity just btw… this is admitted by the Israeli government and the chief Rabbis even say that killing and taking the organs of gentiles because jews need them us perfectly permissible. This explains why Jews (specifically Israelis) are always at the center of the ✡illegal organc organic trafficking✡ trade. Just run some searches and see for yourself. Yes Israel is a TRUE LIGHT TO THE WORLD

  • Dec 22, 2019 @ 16:50 at 16:50

    If Israel was made up of honorable men like Gideon Levy then yes you could be a light to the world. Sadly there are far to few good men in Israel which is why you are hated and you need to “arrange ” for special laws to protect Israel from criticism in the name of protecting Jews from harm. You are the major cause of antisemitism and the sooner you change or disappear the sooner that Jews worldwide can start to live in peace.

    • Dec 22, 2019 @ 17:02 at 17:02

      The militant seperatists (Z for Sionist), always bring disaster upon the ‘jewish people’. They rejected the prince of peace in favour of a militant and a murderer.

  • Dec 22, 2019 @ 18:13 at 18:13

    ★Makes $130 to $160 per day online work and i received $16894 in one month online acting from home.I am a daily student and work simply one to a pair of hours in my spare time.Everybody will do that job and monline akes extra cash by simply open this link……Read MoRe

  • Dec 22, 2019 @ 20:09 at 20:09

    I see I am just going to have to go to non-Israeli sources for news on this.

    What does the gov’t think it is going to achieve hiding the information from Israelis? This is very draconian, and anyone with half a brain will just go to non-Israeli sources for the info.

  • Dec 22, 2019 @ 22:33 at 22:33

    Tommy always has a word to say about Israel. Sadly, it is always based on unjustified hate.
    This time he is literally correct about what it means to occupy a foreign country. Hate propaganda always tries to have an element of truth so as to mislead people.

    The error here is that Jews in Samaria and Judah are “settling” in our own territory, not an area that belongs to someone else. This is true per recent and ancient history and per ancient sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity and, believe it or not, Islam.

    • Dec 23, 2019 @ 0:27 at 0:27

      Yes i do post about Israeli crimes and since any criticism of Israel is now deemed to be antisemitic this can be considered to be hateful my the Jewish definitions created to insulate Israeli actions from criticism or review. So you have no excuses left so you pull out the bible, well does it not say that Israel will be established by the messiah and then the Jews will return? Also over 90% of Israel Jews are not of the bloodline as tour dns tests show. So even that excuse does not hold water. Whats left saying that this is right because might makes it right? Well lol then i guess Nuremburg was a joke unless the argument is that it was the Allied might that then made this right? If that is the case when ever you have been rounded up in the past and pretty much guaranteed future pogroms you remember that no crime is been committed, no need for the world to weep for the Jews, you are just getting what you have sown. After all even Bibi has now fallen back to this excuse, so its nice to finally have you speak the truth for once, that this is and always was a colonial undertaking.

      • Dec 23, 2019 @ 1:37 at 1:37

        Crazy antisemite Tommy foaming at the mouth, here just above

        • Dec 23, 2019 @ 4:21 at 4:21

          Crazy racist Zionist above who believes that there us no cause and effect, that Zionism is above the law and that other races are but beasts.

          You reap as you sow…

          To do nothing is as fatal as to do evil, but it is more cowardly. The most unpardonable of mortal sins is inertia

  • Dec 22, 2019 @ 22:37 at 22:37



  • Dec 23, 2019 @ 8:41 at 8:41

    ★Makes $130 to $160 per day online work and i received $16894 in one month online acting from home.I am a daily student and work simply one to a pair of hours in my spare time.Everybody will do that job and monline akes extra cash by simply open this link……Read MoRe


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