Grades 1 to 4 may have four days at school in classes of 20
As of next Sunday, the first four grades of primary school will reopen for at least 4 days a week in classes of 20, according to a decision reached by the coronavirus cabinet on Thursday. The intermediate and high schools will take longer to open due to the finding that children from age 10 are more contagious than the smaller kids.
The Health Ministry reported 688 new positive tests on Wednesday, pushing the infection total in 8 months to 312,787 of which 11,914 are active and 804 are hospitalized, 464 in serious condition and 199 on ventilators. 2,494 people have died of the virus.
The reopening of small street shops is still at issue between the Finance and Health Ministers. The latter, Yuli Edelstein, warned that “taking big bites too fast” would land the country back in the critical pre-lockdown surge. He urged the ministers to stick to the careful six stage plan for easing restrictions.