Gunmen kill at least 7 Coptic Christians on Egyptian pilgrim bus
At least people were killed and 14 injured on Friday when gunmen attacked a bus travelling to St. Samuel the Confessor monastery in Minya, 260km south of Cairo. No group claimed the attack, however in 2017, 28 Christians were murdered by Islamist terrorists in almost exactly the same spot.
Too many synonyms in such a short article! To kill, to attack, to murder, to terror, is the same as saying “to muslim”. The article should read as follows:
At least people were muslimized and 14 half-muslimized on Friday when Muslims muslimized a bus travelling to St. Samuel the Confessor monastery in Minya, 260km south of Cairo. No group claimed the muslimizing, however in 2017, 28 Christians were muslimized by Islamist muslims in almost exactly the same spot.
If you are going to correct, now about getting your reply correct? it was “at least 7 people were killed…”
I sympathize with the Coptic Christians who live in Egypt and experience endless anti-Christian Islamic attacks. I only wish those same Coptic Christians would understand that the same hate in the form of Islamic antisemitism comes from the same religion. The Christians from Egypt who I have met are just as antisemitic as their Islamic counterparts in Egypt. That is very disturbing and shows how exposure to antisemitism in both Christianity and Islam are almost from birth and come through careful grooming and hateful teachings.