Haifa court sentences Israel Arab to 5 yrs+ for joining ISIS
Wissam Zabidat from the Israeli Arab town of Sakhnin was sentenced Thursday by the Haifa district court to five years and ten months in prison and a fine of 14,000 shekels for membership of the Islamic State, which he joined with his wife Sabrin and their three children. He was also convicted of undergoing illegal military training and communication with a foreign agent. Sabrin was earlier sentenced to four years in jail. These are the heaviest sentences Israel courts have hitherto handed down for membership of ISIS.
It is astonishing that joining a terror group, illegally training militarily and communicating with foreign entities is punished with merely 5 years in jail. Anyone who trains and fights with a foreign entity against their country, should lose citizenship (benefits associated with it) and be deported along with their families.
50 years would be more appropriate then expulsion to the jungles of Guinea to fend for himself.
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