Haley: No country would act with more restraint than Israel
US ambassador to the UN Niki Haley defended Israel Tuesday by saying: “No country in this chamber [UN Security Council] would act with more restraint than Israel has” in dealing with violent riots. She added: “In fact the records of several countries here today suggest they would be much less restrained.” She accused Hamas terrorists, backed by Iran, of inciting attacks against Israeli security forces and infrastructure while the UN continued to demonstrate “double standards.” Answering critics who linked the violence to the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem, she asked “How is that justified?” when “the Hamas terrorist organization has been inciting violence for years, long before the United States decided to move our embassy.” Haley went on to say: “Hamas has attacked the Kerem Shalom Crossing, the biggest entry point in Gaza for fuel, food and medical supplies. This is how determined they are to make the lives of the Palestinian people miserable.”
True! 1000%
sometimes we are our own worst enemy too much thought about what the world thinks of our our reaction
i say cluster bomb the entire protest after 5,000 dead the arabs will go back to there tin shacks
It’s with disgust and pity for the insensitive comments made on this site by Jews regarding the Palestinians who are unharmed, innocent children & women who were gunned down less than a 100 meters by the Israel-es military yesterday!!!. Remember, these unharmed children were shot in the back while protesting the genocidal treatments they have encountered by a group of people who should know better…Jews who themselves were slaughtered by the Nazis. The Palestinians plight under this Jewish regime is inhumane, immoral, un-Godly, profane, apartheid and unjust. The Palestinians are suffering under this wicked Jewish regime…God and Jesus Christ do not like when his children, the chosen ones (Palestinians) are being persecuted unjustly. The Palestinians are the true Holocaust Survivors. God will make Israel pay for its sins and evil deeds they have perpetuated on these innocent unharmed Palestinian children. Israel is mighty militarily but God will “beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” Israel and Jews you will sow what you reap. Repent!. Repent!. Repent Now!. Tomorrow will be too late. Stop the genocide and holocaust of these innocent Palestinians and their children.
Dude, go back and restudy the Scriptures. Both the Gentiles and Jews are in trouble with God. the Jews are not the ones who are warned to “come out from among them and be ye separate.” He’s speaking to those who have attached themselves to Mystery Babylon, that pagan religion that has all the holidays most Christians of today keep.
@ A Jesus Christ Christian
shot in the back while protesting in front of the fence?
but, in the back were the Gaza guys!
who was there shooting towards them, Hamas, or the protesters?
I wonder what Russians would have done in such a situation.
Based on the 2002 Moscow theater hostage crisis, and on 2004 Breslan school massacre, I would say 10,000 Pali deaths is conservative. Not to mention deportation in Siberia for their extended families.
Very well done IDF!
I wonder how much in “loans” she’s getting.
Mohammed of Nakbastan,
How much in “loans” are you getting?
No loans. But speaking of money, your mother tariffs are the same? 10 a suck, right?
“loans”? You’re having a loan of yourself. what an imbecile
Next election of US of A would be the last.
Yeah, the very last. Trump wins, next morning they find you dead of heart attack, all because the election.
So nice to finally have the truth spoken at the UN.
When will other countries stop pretending and also speak the truth?
Way to go USA! Way to go Nicki Haley!
Concede to the evidence in hand!
and the Nakbalistiasns are bad losers.
Don’t fix the gas station. Same for the water, and electricity, infrastructure is old and
failing, stop it. There is also outstanding debt, reason for long administrative delays.
Prevent superficial dangerous fix by any technical and administrative meanings, including
closing the sea delivery. Egyptians will not take all trouble and expense. Allow UN to
step in, and in an year their barracks will be on fire, and they will run and give up.
This will force the toghtest to concede – Nakbalistiasns are crazy, no dialogue is possible.
By this time people will desert the area.
It’s with disgust and pity for the insensitive comments made on this site by Jews regarding the Palestinians who are unharmed, innocent children & women who were gunned down less than a 100 meters by the Israel-es military yesterday!!!. Remember, these unharmed children were shot in the back while protesting the genocidal treatments they have encountered by a group of people who should know better…Jews who themselves were slaughtered by the Nazis. The Palestinians plight under this Jewish regime is inhumane, immoral, un-Godly, profane, apartheid and unjust. The Palestinians are suffering under this wicked Jewish regime…God and Jesus Christ do not like when his children, the chosen ones (Palestinians) are being persecuted unjustly. The Palestinians are the true Holocaust Survivors. God will make Israel pay for its sins and evil deeds they have perpetuated on these innocent unharmed Palestinian children. Israel is mighty militarily but God will “beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” Israel and Jews you will sow what you reap. Repent!. Repent!. Repent Now!. Tomorrow will be too late. Stop the genocide and holocaust of these innocent Palestinians and their children.
you have a mental disability, right?
I agree. if they want these things fixed – the UN, EU or someone else can pay. They can just go to hell.
Yes: LOSERS ! The whole concept of a never-existed “falastyn” and its nation was concocted and invented
after the 1967, 6-day-war, by the K.G.B. general Yevgeni Primakov – in order to perpetuate the conflict between Jews and Arabs. No Jew-hating numb-sculls can change historical facts – but they are trying,
for the last 70 years…
When you read crap from the NYT by, for example, the Jewish Opinion Columnist, Michelle Goldberg, (article: A Grotesque Spectacle in Jerusalem) you will see that the Jewish left is actively involved in smearing and wiping Israel off th map with their vitriol and left0st propaganda and lies.
What would these self-hating Jews do if some criminals broke into their homes and started slashing, raping, setting off bombs, setting fire to their homes and family?
They never answer such questions because they want to see Israel’s hands tied, to have Israel’s enemies over-run the country and for their Jewish brothers and sisters to be massacred.
The Jewish left is poison and mentally deranged. I never thought I’d hear myself saying this in the open but when Jews were down, we used to come together, left and right, to support Israel. Now, it seems, the left has made clear that they support Terrorstinians 100% but not their own Jewish family.
They use Trump and Netanyahu as their punching bags and they have become nothing better than cheerleaders for terrorism against their own Jewish people. It bis sickening and unacceptable.
It’s with disgust and pity for the insensitive comments made on this site by Jews regarding the Palestinians who are unharmed, innocent children & women who were gunned down less than a 100 meters by the Israel-es military yesterday!!!. Remember, these unharmed children were shot in the back while protesting the genocidal treatments they have encountered by a group of people who should know better…Jews who themselves were slaughtered by the Nazis. The Palestinians plight under this Jewish regime is inhumane, immoral, un-Godly, profane, apartheid and unjust. The Palestinians are suffering under this wicked Jewish regime…God and Jesus Christ do not like when his children, the chosen ones (Palestinians) are being persecuted unjustly. The Palestinians are the true Holocaust Survivors. God will make Israel pay for its sins and evil deeds they have perpetuated on these innocent unharmed Palestinian children. Israel is mighty militarily but God will “beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” Israel and Jews you will sow what you reap. Repent!. Repent!. Repent Now!. Tomorrow will be too late. Stop the genocide and holocaust of these innocent Palestinians and their children.
I think that JC himself would have defended himself were someone entering his home with force and the intention to kill him and Mary Magdalene, don’t ya think?
What would you do if you were attacked? How would you control a crowd of 40,000 intent on killing Jews?
If you say nothing, then I know you are a hateful person because that answer would show that you do not give a damn about Jewish lives – you just care about Terrorstinian lives and support their very real goals to overwhelm a country that is not theirs in order to kill Israelis.
Please do not cut and paste the same comment.
To you I say “you are a fake”. I myself am a Jesus Christ Christian. It is indeed the Jews that are Gods chosen people. You are not only fake, you are also a blind JCC. These people are not innocent. Throwing stones, burning fields, damaging property, trying to kidnap; innocent? if you were a TRUE JCC you would know that the scripture supports strong government and allows for government to make war. You tell others to repent. It may help if you start with yourself first.
This so called protesters were violent rioters which throw bombs, tried to breach the border fence and to kill the Israeli soldiers. The border guards have to protect the borders against such attacks. Every state on earth would do the same. It is hypocrisy to accuse Israel for her legitimate defense against violent attacks.
Personally, I think Israel and the US have come out of this very well. The Inauguration went ahead as planned, was not interrupted by scum, and some commonsense has been shown. There is hope for us all yet.