Hamas bulldozers flatten ground along Gaza border
Apparently preparing for another round of violent Palestinian “demonstrations” from the Gaza Strip, Hamas bulldozers were out on Sunday clearing the ground up to the northern border with Israeli for large gatherings. Hamas spokesmen are reported as stating their intention of gradually re-escalating anti-Israel violence.
Hamas must be bulldozing the land right near the Israeli security fence strictly for environmental reasons……………………..they care about the environment and, now that they have funding from the Gulf, they want to put it to good use by improving the aesthetic quality of the land and build nature reserves there for use by its residents for their quality of life and happiness!
Newsflash……………..Islamic Jihad has just announced that they fully support Hamas’ new environmental program near the Israeli security fence!
Newsflash………………………Iran has just announced that, in support of Hamas’ and Islamic Jihad’s environmental program near the Israeli security fence, they want to deliver “protective cylinders” containing trees ready for planting in strategic locations!
That is good news; it will make it easier for IDF Snipers to pick out targets among the border rioters, who have primarily been Hamas and Islamic Jihad members.
Good Shooting guys!
They would be clearing all the debris and steel tyre belting and wire.
Newsflash……………………..Bulldozing compacts the ground. IDF announces that they will help Hamas by ‘churning it up a bit.’
Newflash………….Israel has just announced that it will help Hamas by applying liberal amounts of water to the newly bulldozed land to make it easier for planting.