IDF destroys a Hamas underwater tunnel for frogmen-terrorists
Israeli forces on June 3 blew up an underwater tunnel excavated by Hamas off Gaza’s Mediterranean shore for sea commandos to steal up to the Israeli coast for terrorist operations without being detected. The entrance was hidden inside a Gazan beach-side building. The tunnel was 2-3 meters deep and branched out dozens of meters into the sea. It was ready for use by the time it was destroyed. The Israel military said this was the first Hamas naval tunnel to be demolished and said there may be more out there.
Were there any PALOOSERSTINIANS in there when this happened?
Gazans claim they have no money for food and medicine, yet they spend millions on their terrorist activities and weapons.
They could have cured cancer by now with the resources they pissed away on terror
what do you expect from the adepts of the religion of peace
How loud must your enemy become before you shut them up? Only a fool would ask Israel to treat is enemies better than Islam treats its friends.
Rats love damp holes
Fakeasstinian terrorist varmints down!