IDF now ordered to directly hit Palestinian balloon gangs

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has called off his trip next week to Colombia in view of the critical situation around the Gaza Strip. He had scheduled a series of meetings in Bogota with central and south American leaders. Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced Thursday that the IDF had received new orders to start directly targeting Palestinian incendiary balloon gangs, in view of the increase in fires caused by those balloons. To escape IDF counter-measures, Hamas is sending children up to the rooftops of densely packed Gazan dwellings to throw the balloon bombs over the border. The terrorist group pays them a pittance for this “service.”

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25 thoughts on “IDF now ordered to directly hit Palestinian balloon gangs

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 13:59 at 13:59

    this must be illegal to use children in this way, where is the U.N, or the Europeans with their condemnation.
    Silence makes them complicit.

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 14:12 at 14:12

    They can do nothing else but move in & clear it .shooting at them not solve it you dont hear that unelected Italian comunist painted doll say nothing must spend hr at mirror

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 14:55 at 14:55

    Duh, what took them so long to come to this decision? How much land destroyed does it take and citizens to be terrorized to take charge, defend ones country and citizens and enforce the laws?

    • Aug 2, 2018 @ 16:52 at 16:52

      The new pastry chef at IDF headquarters stopped serving seconds in protest for the balloon bombs! the Purity of arms should only apply to regular armies not terrorists! The ban on serving seconds will last until the bombs stop!

      • Aug 3, 2018 @ 1:02 at 1:02

        What does “purity of arms” mean? Why is the “p” capitalized?

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 16:44 at 16:44

    In answer to the statement above: the entire IDF “Purity of Arms” (Tohar ha Neshek”) doctrine
    must be abolished NOW: as dangerously outdated, vainglorious and counterproductive !

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 17:04 at 17:04

    …The terrorist group pays them a pittance for this “service.”…

    you fckng idiots just can’t help yourselves, can you?

    we are laughing at you.

    (And Yehudah said, Let her take for herself, lest we become buz (laughingstock); hinei, I
    sent this gedi, and thou hast not found her.)

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 17:23 at 17:23

    Once again, the solution is simple. Don’t attack the pawns — take out the king. DIRECTLY target hamas leadership (their homes, the offices, the communications facilities, and their families). Have the tanks ready and if necessary, flatten. Then withdraw immediately.

    • Aug 3, 2018 @ 15:01 at 15:01

      Cut off a snake’s tail, . . . he will be disfigured, . . . will be hard for him to get around, . . . but he will survive and will still be a snake that can strike you.

      Cut off a snake’s head, . . . end of snake problem. Realist has the answer, . . . although I’d personally be tempted to not leave until I was critically low on ammo. “So many targets, . . . so little time”.

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 19:38 at 19:38

    Give them 15 minutes warning, and then blow up any building from which balloons are launched. They will either stop launching balloons from buildings, or they will have no more buildings from which to launch.

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 20:10 at 20:10

    More impotent, do nothing “threats” from the laughing stock Lieberman…

    • Aug 3, 2018 @ 0:43 at 0:43

      Its not Liberman. Its the 5th column IDF. It is called sabotage.

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 21:13 at 21:13

    Start your own child fire balloon contest.
    5 N.M from Sea.
    I will sponsor it.

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 21:35 at 21:35

    there is no difference between children terrorist or adult terrorists when they’re burning down Israel you need to kill everybody that’s it destroy the gaza already and let’s live free

  • Aug 2, 2018 @ 22:44 at 22:44

    We don’t shoot kids.
    The adults using the kids to launch balloons and kites are committing crimes – child abuse and conspiracy to commit arson.
    The 15 minute warning and then destroy the building, building after building, is a fair idea.
    But, the cost to defend is astronomical – the cost to put up an aircraft, especially a manned aircraft, the cost of the ordnance the aircraft releases into Gaza – the obvious Hamas intent is to bankrupt Israel with the lowest tech, lowest cost attacks.
    This is an implacable enemy, egged on by UNRWA for 70 years. Gazan’s are a people abandoned by most other Arabs, who have an illusory, futile societal objective. What to do with people who won’t recognize reality? We demonstrate reality. They can dream on all they want, but their dreams will result in a continuing backward slide into misery.
    Gaza is a prison, created by Gazans because of their irrational choices. Prison is where arson and murder conspirators belong.
    Keep the crossings closed, don’t allow fuel or anything else into Gaza.
    The exclusion of Arabs idea of 1947 and 1967 were rejected as immoral in hopes of peaceful coexistence. That hasn’t worked out. Where to go from here?

  • Aug 3, 2018 @ 3:07 at 3:07

    Shouldn’t you be targeting the Leaders of Hamas instead…..Targeted killings should start again…

  • Aug 3, 2018 @ 5:52 at 5:52

    Lets get off the moral high ground…..And get down and dirty instead…Shoot low they are riding donkeys…

  • Aug 3, 2018 @ 20:51 at 20:51

    Bibi ir was about time. You should have orderd this after the first fires were ignited. How many dunams got lost because you hesutate to spill terrorists blood in Aza.
    Shoot them like rabbits and use uranium ammo.

  • Aug 3, 2018 @ 20:53 at 20:53

    @jarred no targeted killings. Carpet bombings.

  • Aug 4, 2018 @ 7:39 at 7:39

    Drones with laser-lock missles. Take out terrorists; no harm to children, or your best long distance snipers.

  • Aug 4, 2018 @ 15:59 at 15:59

    If the Torah said “No killing of nanny goats” then nanny goats would be launching fire balloons. How clueless you are to basic Muslim tactics!

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 5:55 at 5:55

    Purity of Arms…A great and Noble term….When used in it’s proper context….If and when someone is determined to kill me …….Then Purity of Arms be damned….

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 10:35 at 10:35

    Just kill them, have the cure killing an arab song on the radio while dropping MOAB on Gaza

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 22:05 at 22:05

    The IDF should bomb the KITE TEAMS with a fluorescent (and difficult to remove) paint to easily identify and hunt them down in order to arrest, try, and punish them under the law.


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