IDF smashes three Syrian artillery guns after Golan rocket fire

Five Syrian rockets exploded on the Golan before dawn Saturday, triggering sirens at Katzrin, Givat Yoev, Geshur, Kfar Horev, Mevo Hama, Meitzar, Neot Golan, Nov and Ramat Magshimim. There were no casualties or damage. The IDF retaliated by hitting three Syrian artillery positions, announcing, “Even spillover fire from Syrian warfare, if it encroaches on  sovereign Israeli territory and hazards the security of its citizens, will not be tolerated and the Syrian regime will be held to account.”

DEBKAfile: The IDF reprisal targeted Syrian 130mm cannons taking part in an ongoing battle in the Beit Jinn pocket which faces IDF positions on Mount Hermon north of the Golan. Hizballah is fighting rebel forces there alongside the Syrian army.

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2 thoughts on “IDF smashes three Syrian artillery guns after Golan rocket fire

  • Oct 21, 2017 @ 16:38 at 16:38

    Al Qaeda sends is big warm Thanks.
    To you Slime bag, baby-killing, COWARDS


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