IDF tank pounds Hamas post after Gaza firebomb blitz against Israel troops
Massive explosions shook Israel towns from the hundreds of Palestinian firebombs and grenades aimed from Gaza at Israeli troops Friday night. The IDF responded with a tank cannonade against a Hamas position. Saturday morning, amid last-minute Egyptian attempts to broker a ceasefire, calls from the mosques’ loudspeakers summoned Gazans to turn out in force for the March of the Millions due to begin at midday. Schools were closed for youngsters to attend.
wonder how much money, or job promises Netanyaho channels througth to HAMAS to have his puppets dance at the right moment to get reelected as strong and only “chief strategoi” defending the besieged Israel buergers at this terrible again moment.
Hmmm, wonder on. There is zero such evidence. To propose it is also zero evidence.
Agents of the Left are everywhere. Fortunately, the Word of God tells us that God is in charge. Peace.
Trump has declared the war on ISIS won (perhaps a bit premature but, without splitting hairs, he has decimated the fascist Islamists) and I am waiting for Israel to make the same declaration with respect to Hamas and Islamic Jihad – that the war has been won. It is war that Hamas declared on Israel long before ISIS was created in the cancerous sick minds of Jihadists and it has been allowed to go on too long. Everybody loses when jihadists are in control. They need to leave of their own accord or be made to leave.
Have to hand it to Hamas: the sick, puny tail is STILL wagging the huge, healthy IDF dog…!