International Holocaust Day is marked in Auschwitz and Israel
The main ceremony marking International Holocaust Da, set for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, takes place at the site of the death camp Tuesday, attended by the presidents of Germany, Austria and France as well as US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew at the head of an American delegation. Forty survivors of the Nazi concentration camp are present, led by Israeli Minister Silvan Shalom. The central Israeli ceremony is to be conducted in the Shoah Institution at Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak.
The Holocaust commemoration event which President Rivlin was scheduled to attend Tuesday at United Nations Headquarters in New York was postponed by the heavy snow blizzard raging in northeast America. Monday night, Rivlin spoke in praise of UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon, his dedicated work for perpetuating the memory of the Holocaust and his commitment to fighting anti-Semitism.