Iran accuses regional powers of suspicious nuclear activity

Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, on Wednesday accused regional powers of “spending their petro-dollars on suspicious nuclear projects” that could endanger security in the region and the world. He did not name those powers. The  new threats, Shamkhani said, would force Iran to revise its strategy, depending on their nature and geography and the needs of “our country and armed forces.” Last month, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the United States of hypocrisy for trying to wreck Iran’s nuclear program while seeking to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, Tehran’s regional rival.

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8 thoughts on “Iran accuses regional powers of suspicious nuclear activity

  • Mar 13, 2019 @ 14:37 at 14:37

    Saudis and UAE have bought full-scale ready-to-use nukes from the Paks. If I were Iran I would be more concerned about their Sunni adversaries than “Big Satan and Little Satan” as Iran calls the West and Israel using vile Islamic slurs against mankind.

  • Mar 13, 2019 @ 15:17 at 15:17

    Am i the only jew that hopes that iran gets nukes…? (i hope so because i wannna see how iran destroys itself)

    • Mar 13, 2019 @ 23:38 at 23:38

      Your Jewishness is so impressive, your place in permanent psychiatric care is free for life.

  • Mar 14, 2019 @ 1:40 at 1:40

    As Israel i not an oil exporting nation, it has no “Petro-Dollars.” But Israel does have a legitimate need for self defense and the means to ensure that Iranian aggression does not succeed. While Israel does practice “nuclear ambiguity,” neither confirming, nor denying the presence of a nuclear deterrent, it does have the capability of turning Tehran and other Iranian cities into the next Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If the Mullahs wish to ride the nuclear fireball to Paradise, where they can commune with the “Hidden Imam,” Israel will be glad to accommodate them!

  • Mar 15, 2019 @ 8:14 at 8:14

    Someone please tell me once again about the time that Israel stole decades of iran’s nuclear development records. I am feeling a little down today, I could use a lift me up. I like the part when they put it all into some trucks and literally drove it out of the country under their noses. Then, Israel showed the whole world their successful abduction of the files. SEE…, just thinking about it puts a skip in my step. Wow did they get spanked.

  • Mar 15, 2019 @ 13:07 at 13:07

    This proliferation of nuclear weapons in the middle east is going to be the one where one day either a proper or a dirty weapon is going to be used and cause cross border destruction. We all know that when detonated these weapons wont honor borders or restrictions and the toxic clouds will kill not just the initiator but others (who are not even involved in the arguments). If you have an initiator who deeply believes that any of their country folk that dies will “go to heaven anyway” then they wont care about collateral damage. The madness continues. Someone needs to calm things down in this region not stoke the fires.

  • Mar 15, 2019 @ 17:49 at 17:49

    As long as Millions of Dirty Terrorist Muslims are killed I don’t give a Hoot….Bring it on now….Long Over due can’t wait…???


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