Iran admits American Robert Levinson, missing for eight years, is on trial
In a filing to the UN, Iran has admitted that the former FBI agent Robert A. Levinson, who disappeared eight years ago in mysterious circumstances. is on trial before a “Revolutionary Court.” Levinson was last seen alive eight years ago in a hostage video pleading for help. There is no word on the charges against him.
Maybe they would exchange Levinson for Solemeini?
U.S. officials believed Levinson had been arrested by Iranian intelligence officials.
He disappeared on Kish Island which is a free-trade zone, meaning Americans do not need a visa to enter.
But Iran repeatedly denied any involvement in his disappearance or knowing his whereabouts, and this includes also personally the presidents ahmadinejad and rouhani of the republic of bandits.
Let Qom and Arak become twin cities with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, now, now, now!
Aladdin AKBAR!
What a wicked, evil regime.
With statements like this, Zionism is showing its true colors.
With Terrorism, (9/11, London’s 7/7, Mumbai, Nairobi, Boston, Orlando, Paris, Nice, Moscow, Bali, etc.
Islamofascism shows its True Colors.
Hmmm, Iran is complicit with evil at several levels with this revelation. For this alone, the US is justified in taking action of the not peace variety.
Eight years for a “trial”. And yankees feel Southerners are slow.