Iran on point of partial withdrawal from nuclear accord
According to sources in Tehran, Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani will on Wednesday announce his government’s partial withdrawal from the nuclear accord signed with six world powers in 2015, from which the US pulled out a year ago. This step is believed to be part of a package of reprisals Iran is preparing in response to US sanctions on its foreign oil sales.
Iran on point of partial from nuclear accord.
Bombers on point of partial dropping to Tehran.
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Then talk.
No, make that three; include Qoms, the seat of the Islamo-Fascist regime as well!
Marg Bar Diktator (Death to the Dictator)!
What’s with all this rush? Are the CNN reporters in place all over in Tehran? Is there good coverage for the ayatollah’s palace?
The whole World would like to see the details of this big reality show.
Why not take out the purveyors of “fake news” while bombing Tehran?
Iran regime on point of suicide.