Iran pledges thousands of $s to Palestinians killed in terror attacks
Tehran has pledged $7,000 to the family of every Palestinian terrorist killed while committing attacks on Israelis and a further $30,000 to the bereaved families of terrorists whose homes were demolished. “The blood of the martyrs will bring the liberation of all Palestine from the sea to the river,” said Tehran’s ambassador to Lebanon Mohammad Fateh Ali Wednesday. Hamas officials met recently in Tehran with Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Al-Qods Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, to discuss funding. The Iranian said he “kissed the foreheads” of all those thousands engaged in anti-Israel activities.
Wednesday night, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, called on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to condemn Iran for fueling the fire of anti-Israel terror using money released by lifted sanctions.