Iran threatens to exceed permitted enriched uranium ceiling

Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) spokesman, Behrouz Kamalvandi, said on Monday Iran would reach the allowed 300kg level of enriched uranium at levels mandated by the 2015 deal on June 27 and added: “We will go further from that ceiling, not only that, but we will also increase production drastically.” Boosting enrichment from 3.75 pc up to 5 pc for the use in the Bushehr power plant, or 20 percent for a research reactor in Tehran would bring the fuel closer to weapons grade. On May 8, a year after the US quit the 2015 accord, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani gave the UK, France, Germany, China and Russia had 60 days to implement their promises to protect Iran’s oil and banking sectors from re-imposed US sanctions.

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