Iran to restart Arak heavy water nuclear reactor
The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, told lawmakers on Sunday that the Arak heavy water for producing plutonium used in nuclear warheads will be restarted. In May, Tehran announced plans to breach the 2015 nuclear accord in stages if the remaining signatories failed to compensate the Islamic Republic from sanctions the US sanctions imposed after quitting the accord.
DEBKAfile: Under the accord, Iran agreed to de-activate the Arak reactor’s operation by plugging its core with cement, instead of which it surreptitiously blocked only the pipes which are easy to replaced.
In view of this latest announcement by the Islamic Republic of Iran, will the Europeans label this development as a “minor infraction of no significance” once again?
netanyahu neden 40 yıldır bu bu iran rejimini abd ile ortak yaşattırdı netanyahuya söyleyin abd ingiltreyle ortak iranın tüm nükleer tesislerini vurup ortadan kaldırsınlar
Ein brera – Israel must do what it has to do to survive – Ein brera…
“He who watches over Israel – He never slumbers nor sleeps !”
Iran plugging only the easily replaced pipes with cement to comply with that great “nuclear deal” shows Iran’s true intentions and just how grossly incompetent the previous Administration was in composing and agreeing to it in the first place.
Looks like Iran had that fantastic agreement’s “sunset clause” in mind while they were pouring the cement through the accessible pipes………………..and the joke was on us and our allies.
Iran does not need atom bombs to defend itself, it has now untold amounts of advanced biological and chemical warfare stockpiles (and sofisticated delivery systems) if needed to annihilate the Israelis and countries south of persian gulf if they make any mistakes of using any type of WMD. Iranians expect respect in international relations and hence these little moves to put some level of pressure on Trump to behave.
I would suggest that you read Jeremiah 49;34-39.
It is obvious that Elam at the height of it’s glory,..suffered a great defeat,. In so much, that it’s citizens were running to other countries.
It’s my guess that Iran’s nuclear facility was destroyed and radiation made the area of Elam uninhabitable.
But according to Ezekiel 38-39; 1-16
Iran’s lives to fight another day ,but only to realize it’s armies destroyed by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Time to take out the Mullahs / clowns. Long over due. Talks in Vienna won’t changed anything/wasted time.
Israeli air force is probably making plans as we speak,for a raid on Arak. G-d help us.