Iran to test new vertical takeoff UAV next month
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps expects to run tests on a new UAV with Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) capability between Sept-23 and Oct. 22, Gen. Ali Koohestani, director of the IRGC Ground Forces’ Research & Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization, has announced.
Love them or hate them you must admit that the Iranians are more capable than the Arabs around them in creating home grown industry and being more independent, albeit based on some existing technologies. It is a big pity that their so called leaders are using people’s talent to be more destructive than constructive. OK to be fair I know that the US hasn’t helped since 1953 by funding the removal of their democratically elected government all because of oil and making Iranians distrustful of the West….but they can be such a positive force in the region instead.
fully agree with you
@David Correction #1: The “removal” of Iran’s democratically elected government was because they did the undemocratic act of nationalizing English-American oil companies which had been invited to drill for oil, bringing modern technology and wealth to Iran. This is exactly what happened to US oil interests in Venezuela under Chavez. It is theft, no matter where it happens nor whether you like or hate the US.
Correction #2: The US and Iran under the Shah were allies until 1979 when the mullahs took over control of the country. Iranian people do NOT distrust the USA. They are captives to a bunch of theocratic radicals.
You are either VERY misinformed or a paid agent of the mullahs.
Jersey, your memory of events of Iran’s change to radical Islamo-facism reflects how I remember it happening as well.
You write ‘but they can be such a positive force in the region instead.’ You have used the word Iranians, i.e. all Iranians in your piece. But you evidently do not see that the Iranian people are being controlled by a religious elite that is leading Iran into disaster. It is this that the US and others are grappling with.