Iran: US bases are within range of our missiles

An Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander said on Wednesday that US bases in Afghanistan, the UAE and Qatar, and U.S. aircraft carriers in the Gulf were within range of Iranian missiles. “They are within our reach and we can hit them if they (Americans) make a move,” Amirali Hajizadeh, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ airspace division, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

“Our land-to-sea missiles have a range of 700 km (450 miles) … and the U.S. aircraft carriers are our targets,” he added.

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23 thoughts on “Iran: US bases are within range of our missiles

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 0:10 at 0:10

    wouldnt you just love for whacky i ran to fire one missile at a usa warship,or usa base–please i got the runs,fire all you got at the usa–shoot everything,dont hold back,please do it ,please!!!! good bye i ran—you will be burnt toast you morons……

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 0:25 at 0:25

    No, THEY are in range of the USA.

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 0:46 at 0:46

    well, then, supreme commander faggotollah, i guess that your bases are withi range of our missiules (and our fighter jets), as well. wouldn’t that be the case, you dung encrusted desert snake?

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 1:34 at 1:34

    Sounds threatening and terribly scary, but how seriously dangerous could this talk be?
    Should I report it to my boss, for him to report to the night service team leader, and so on up the hierarchy? The problem is I must finish the carpets and dusting with no delay, this is White House, not any house.

    • Nov 22, 2018 @ 4:32 at 4:32

      These findings are to be directed to the secretary of the Secretary 3rd for the 3rd World, she is the one collecting jokes and funny happenings from all around the world. Keep up the good work, and leave the distraction only for break-time!

      • Nov 22, 2018 @ 8:15 at 8:15

        Sorry to intervene in housekeeping management issues, but Iran is not only a 3rd hand country, we might also say in confidence is very retarded, a lot more than Cuba or Venezuela. That funny general is serious about the BS he’s saying. Not that it counts, but it is good to know.

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 1:37 at 1:37

    Sounds like the High School cafeteria or locker room.

    In those days there usually was a fight after school when the name calling and insults got loud. Instead of aiding and abetting Iranian cat’s paws around Israel, Putin should be using ways and means at his disposal to lower the temperature. Russia is going to suffer consequences as well as the Muslim players when these full (fool?) proceedings are unleashed.

    Putin claims to have Christian background; if he believes the New Testament he has responsibility to his countrymen to fully investigate Old Testament writings and warnings. He has many around him able to relate appropriate passages, including his wife. Of course, Donald Trump is American proof Bible literate associates and family members cannot penetrate power playing persons on Satan’s ego trip…

    Good bye Iran. Russia & America are going to suffer harm too.

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 1:58 at 1:58

    Dare them to launch bad idea

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 3:43 at 3:43

    This the same way Saddam spoke. Yes, they could be within reach but hitting them would be like adding poison into your supper meal.

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 14:47 at 14:47

    Declension of the noun Iran: Iran, I run, I’m in ruins.

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 15:19 at 15:19

    Assassinate the guy a remind all of Iran that “they” and “their bases”……ANYWHERE in the world are within our range (and reach)!

  • Nov 22, 2018 @ 16:54 at 16:54

    So…….. not Akbar

    • Nov 23, 2018 @ 8:38 at 8:38

      Only average, fair to middling or so.
      Real improvement, quite striking.

  • Nov 23, 2018 @ 8:26 at 8:26

    Ok, so they sink an American carrier – then what? The Ayatowelhead has to know that he’s signed his own death warrant and death warrants for his entire army, navy, buildings, light and water plants and whatever else NATO and its allies want to destroy. And that’s IF we don’t nuke them into oblivion. Trump can be an angry and irrational man when he’s pizzed. I wouldn’t push him too hard.

    • Nov 23, 2018 @ 23:51 at 23:51

      > Trump can be an angry and irrational man when he’s pizzed.

      That’s why I LOVE the guy.

      President Trump is channeling President Teddy Roosevelt.

      Walk softly and carry a BIG STICK.

  • Nov 23, 2018 @ 9:01 at 9:01

    For Iran it is technically impossible to sink or even disable an American carrier, but with a lot of luck could be damaged. But any attempt to hit one is successful suicide.

  • Nov 23, 2018 @ 22:07 at 22:07

    Iran has been our enemy since 1953 when our government overthrew theirs because they nationalized THEIR oil industry. They did this because they were getting chickenfeed for THEIR oil from the Brits who developed the industry. If you research the history what they were asking for was very reasonable but Britain asked our CIA to help them put a puppet Shah in power so they could continue to rob the Iranians. He was brutal to his own people and was overthrown in 1979. I’m a peace and freedom loving American who isn’t afraid to call our government out when they do wrong. That was wrong along with the dozens of other times the CIA have interfered in replacing leaders of other countries. I just can’t understand how Americans turn a blind eye to all the killing our military does around the world in the name of democracy.

    • Nov 23, 2018 @ 22:40 at 22:40

      The Shah was happy with the arrangement, the West was happy, the people of Iran, including the small Jewish population were doing okay under the Shah. When the Ayatollahs came back from France to create an Islamic hell hole, nobody was happy and they remain miserable into the present. Nobody does well under Islam except for a small cadre of vicious believers in their prophet who lord it over everyone else.

    • Nov 24, 2018 @ 2:58 at 2:58

      The islamic terrorist in charge of Iran now go back all the way to 1400 years ago. In fact Shah and his father before him were the only good thing that happened to Iran since it was invaded by arab muslims. The inbred and ignorant people of people have been brainwashed by the mullahs for generations and still think an arabic tribal idelogy disguised as a religion is the only answer to all their needs, and of course whoever diasagrees must be killed. The main issue now is that they must be stopped before they become any more of a global threat.

  • Nov 23, 2018 @ 22:10 at 22:10

    Death to Iran

  • Nov 24, 2018 @ 2:46 at 2:46

    Iran has been doomed for utter destruction ever since the islamic terrorist took over the government, it’s not a matter of if only a matter of when. They are nothing more than a bunch of illitrate hateful terrorists with lots of stolen oil money in their pockets, and that’s how they will always be remembered in future history classes when they’re gone.

  • Nov 26, 2018 @ 7:36 at 7:36

    Go ahead, make my day


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