Iranian FM: No renegotiation on or additions to nuclear deal

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Mohamed Zarif released a five-minute video on social media Thursday, once again turning down French and German leaders’ proposals for amendments of the 2015 nuclear deal. His message on Twitter was: “Let me make it absolutely clear once and for all, we will neither outsource our security nor will we renegotiate or add onto a deal we have already implemented in good faith.” He added that the Vienna-based IAEA had affirmed 11 times that Iran was in compliance of the accord, while the United States was in violation. Tehran’s message came eight days before the deadline for President Donald Trump’s decision to stay in the deal or abandon it.



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15 thoughts on “Iranian FM: No renegotiation on or additions to nuclear deal

  • May 3, 2018 @ 17:15 at 17:15

    Such was the will of God, for plutonium to radiate strongly, and no dhimmi could oppose.
    Moreover, the Shiite plutonium is to radiate even more beautiful, for it is halal and most appreciated by numerous mullahs.

    • May 3, 2018 @ 17:52 at 17:52

      Your “god” is not God, . . . and your prophet is a pedophile piece of garbage, . . . burning in hell, . . . laughing like a hyena every time another rag head joins him………….

    • May 4, 2018 @ 5:01 at 5:01

      Talk tough and then hide behind your big brother US 🙂

  • May 3, 2018 @ 17:27 at 17:27

    Big talk doesn’t work anymore mate.

  • May 3, 2018 @ 17:50 at 17:50

    I wish I had a Go-Pro camera with a bluetooth link sitting on the moon. That way every night when the moon passes over Iran, . . . we will be able to see it glow nuclear green in the dark.

    Hmm, . . . wonder if the little guys on Mars, Venus, and Uranus will be able to see it too.

    • May 3, 2018 @ 18:07 at 18:07

      Hmmm, while you may not like the religious leaders in charge of Iran, there is a large and growing movement of Christians in Iran. Also, it is not clear how much of the population of Iran actually supports the activities of Iran’s leadership. What is clear is that a substantial portion of the younger population is very much against Iran’s policies both internal and external.

      It is not good to wish the destruction of any peoples especially when we are told from God’s word that the faithful will come from all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues. Let’s not forget that God is in charge and no nation will be destroyed unless he commands it.

      It is good to pray to God for the people of Iran to have a positive change in their leadership. Expressions of hate do not help anyone. Peace.

      • May 3, 2018 @ 19:05 at 19:05

        Well said Texas Dave.

        We should never wish I’ll of others. A war will hurt many innocents. Pray for peace.

        But Israel must be ready for war.

        Although it is the stated policy of Iran to wipe Israel off the map, Israel does not seek the destruction of Iran. Israel seeks to spread God’s Blessings to the whole world, including the Iranian people.

        A good first step toward peace would be for Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas to declare they no longer seek the destruction of Israel. Until then Israel needs to remain locked and loaded.

        • May 4, 2018 @ 1:28 at 1:28

          Israel has always been particularly careful to explain to Iran´s people that it does not wish to harm the people nor war on them… only the government. Majority Iranians agree.

  • May 3, 2018 @ 19:54 at 19:54

    Ezekiel 39:17 says Iranian armies will be bird food. Time for you to repent.

  • May 3, 2018 @ 21:58 at 21:58

    Time for a great big iron fist to be stuffed down your filthy sh8t talking Islamist mouth. Your tip-toeing pretense of refinement, peaceableness, and culture may have gotten over on saps, suckers and sissies like Bush, Clinton and Obama, but their ilk doesn’t run America’s show anymore. Now, it’s pay back time for 1979, and for our guys in the Marine barracks killed by your filthy Islamist friends in Lebanon. Yes, pay back time, big time. Death to Islamist scum, and to their spineless dishrag sympathizers in the West. America forever.

    • May 3, 2018 @ 22:16 at 22:16

      I one hundred percent agree with you!

  • May 3, 2018 @ 23:30 at 23:30

    There are two main policies the Iranian regime has been following all along.
    1- Using violenve, terrorism and/or threats of violence and terrorism.
    2- Lies and propaganda to cover up or justify their use of violence and terrorism.
    At any given time, you can see them doing one of the two.

  • May 3, 2018 @ 23:34 at 23:34

    Keep calm and brush off Shia chips as Islam breaks down.

  • May 4, 2018 @ 4:49 at 4:49

    Hypocritical liar Zarif: AND YES: you Will re-negotiate this lie-based “deal” ! Now, that the ayatollahs were caught with their bare, smelly a^*ses up in the air, they need “to save face” (or ass – same thing).
    Quietly, discreetly they will change all the “sticky” details of this disgraceful “deal” – and then, of course
    Crow of another “victory” over the U.S. and Zionist “aggression”…

  • May 4, 2018 @ 6:32 at 6:32

    What did the foreign minister of Satan say? The US broke the agreement 11 times and they 0 times? Can someone explain this hallucination or is he overdosed and expiring.


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