Palestinians fired three rockets Sunday night from Gaza at Sderot and other nearby Israeli communities. Two were downed by Iron Dome air defense batteries, but one exploded on a road.
It’s seems the festival was the intended target and even though the rockets missed, the physiological impact / damage is done. The uptick in events continues.
Israels weak Bibi-Sisi gov. provokes the muslim terror-beasts to continue their terror !
If Israel only had a brave, courageous gov. it would beat up
this bunch of stonage nazi beasts
once and for all – quiet would follow !
But unfortunately,tragically this present gov. is chicken-sh*t…
The terror, the war is waged by the iranian stonage nazi beasts –
so its them Israel has to take out –
its that simple !
But when frightened chickens make the gov. – the mighty IDF is just blowing up empty shacks in gaza…
Where are the true, brave, courageous men / leaders / warriors of Israel ?
Let them take power in Israel and
finish off the muslim nazi beasts once and for all…
America & Israel Continue to Concentrate & Innovate Ever Better Antimissile Technology while others less smart nations continue to Waste Their Money on More Missiles that end up on the Dump Obsolete Heaps!
It’s seems the festival was the intended target and even though the rockets missed, the physiological impact / damage is done. The uptick in events continues.
Israels weak Bibi-Sisi gov. provokes the muslim terror-beasts to continue their terror !
If Israel only had a brave, courageous gov. it would beat up
this bunch of stonage nazi beasts
once and for all – quiet would follow !
But unfortunately,tragically this present gov. is chicken-sh*t…
The terror, the war is waged by the iranian stonage nazi beasts –
so its them Israel has to take out –
its that simple !
But when frightened chickens make the gov. – the mighty IDF is just blowing up empty shacks in gaza…
Where are the true, brave, courageous men / leaders / warriors of Israel ?
Let them take power in Israel and
finish off the muslim nazi beasts once and for all…
What kind of jews operate the batteries? Which caste?
Yosef… It is a Mossod Secret, known as the “Energize Bunny”!
No. It is the Negro Jews. And you are not the chosen one. You are nothing.
America & Israel Continue to Concentrate & Innovate Ever Better Antimissile Technology while others less smart nations continue to Waste Their Money on More Missiles that end up on the Dump Obsolete Heaps!
Thanks again, for your Posting but Eddie Murphy Movie Chosen One is still a Compliment I accept from you!
You are not chosen you idiot. Get lost.