ISIS leader’s first video appearance in 5 years with 40-second message
After five years of non-appearance and speculation about his death, the Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi posted a 40-second tape on Monday. He was filmed sitting cross-legged on the floor alongside a Kalashnikov. The message was kept short to prevent his whereabouts from being traced. “The battle of Baghouz is over,” he admitted, but he blamed ISIS’ defeat in its last Syrian stronghold on the “savagery, brutality and ill intentions of the Christians towards the Muslim community.” He also claimed the deadly terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka as revenge. Baghdadi’ appears to have surfaced in order to demonstrate he is still alive, despite rumors of his death or injury. DEBKAfile reported on Sunday from Iraqi intelligence sources that the ISIS leader was currently hiding in the small village of Jabal Abu Rajmin near the Syrian town of Palmyra
No time for listening to crazy messages, but here’s my answer: If so, die even harder!
Of course Islamic terrorists like Al-Baghdadi are going to blame Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and everyone else on the “infidel” list but it is crazy how left-wing governments, media, church groups, schools and some Jews tolerate and promote this fanatical garbage in the school curricula and in their MSM and then it becomes fashionably acceptable among elitists Cortez, Tlalib, Omar, the entire EU, the UN and everywhere there are “progressives” sharing with us their hate for western civilization also held by the terrorists. Love for terrorism is rampant among left-wing nut-bars. Look at the 202o Democratic lineup of freaks.
Inside every “progressive” is a totalitarian screaming to get out!
–David Horowitz
Right on, “share a common agenda !” Indeed they do – may the Almighty protect and guide President Trump !
I could not of said it any better! If you are a Democrat you are the party of hate and intolerance.
So he blamed ISIS’ defeat in its last Syrian stronghold on the “savagery, brutality and ill intentions of the Christians towards the Muslim community.” So funny coming from this murderer. Was he hoping to be fought with leaflets?
The ISIS pig head needs to suffer the same fate has his victims.
elliot shimon,alias abu bakr al baghdadi,mossad agent…
Happy Nakba Terrorist Scum!
Israel Forever!
Pal-e-SWINE Never!
How to find the location?
Look for light flicker of 60Hz or 50 or something around that and get the pattern as mains frequency fluctuates.
So having 24/7 world wide recordings of AC flicker (AC waveform) sampled with ADC(soundcard) one could track time and place of a video recording by the pattern of said ac recording.
One could evade this by using car battery powered dc lighting.
But Arabs are too stupid for that