Israel fire drives Palestinian intruders back to Gaza. Balloons attached to grenades

Palestinian terrorists were driven back to the Gaza Strip by Israeli military fire after breaking through the border fence on Sunday. The incident occurred after Israel approved the reopening of Gaza crossings “in consideration of declining Hamas violence.” The incendiary balloons, moreover, kept on coming during the day. Some of those which landed in the Eshkol Council were found attached to grenades. A cluster with explosives tied on landed at Kibbutz Gevim.

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8 thoughts on “Israel fire drives Palestinian intruders back to Gaza. Balloons attached to grenades

  • Oct 22, 2018 @ 1:17 at 1:17

    Before opening fire Israel’s priests should blow their shofars across the border lines
    with directed, 200db amplification: Perhaps the Hamas will become too busy cleaning their undergarments to continue attempts to cross…

  • Oct 22, 2018 @ 3:37 at 3:37

    Just noticed that commenting was permitted again. I urge all to keep foul language from this site or commenting will be disallowed once more. I read this site everyday and was saddened by the frequent foul comments everywhere. Peace.

  • Oct 22, 2018 @ 5:26 at 5:26

    Comments should be approved by moderator before publication, as a way to avoid trolls and extremists taking over.

    • Oct 22, 2018 @ 7:48 at 7:48

      I would rather have raw, uncensored posts. That way we eill not have the same situation as Twitter, Facebook, Google snd the ither denizens of deep leftism deciding what we do, think and say. We are mostly adults here and csn decide for oyrselves whst we read ir not. If this bothers or embarasses you then turn on CNN and get all the leftard propopanda George Soros wants us to see.

  • Oct 22, 2018 @ 8:00 at 8:00

    I would rather have raw, uncensored posts. That way we will not have the same situation as Twitter, Facebook, Google and the other denizens of deep leftism deciding what we do, think and say. We are mostly adults here and can decide for ourselves what we read or not. If this bothers or embarrasses you then turn on CNN and get all the leftard propaganda George Soros wants us to see.

  • Oct 22, 2018 @ 14:58 at 14:58

    Sure, the Terrorstinians are the kind of guys you can do peace agreements with and be sure to give them billions of dollars and new infrastructure and plenty of weapons.

    While you are at it, a port, an agreement to not patrol the border and more hate curriculum in their textbooks plus easy access to their territory by Iran, Qatar, Turkey, and all terrorist groups would be most appropriate…that is, if you want to destroy your own country of Israel.

  • Oct 22, 2018 @ 23:23 at 23:23

    Is there a possibility that the real reason Russia is in Syria is to very cleverly one day try to take over Israel’s has well? Could they be on a slow and steady course against Israel? I think this and some consideration.

  • Oct 23, 2018 @ 2:53 at 2:53

    This is what happens when you combine retardation with jew hatred


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