Israel tests rocket propulsion system from Palmahim
The Defense Ministry announced that a rocket propulsion system was tested early Friday from the Palmahim Air Base. Flights from Ben-Gurion international airport were briefly rerouted. The test was described as part of a regular series. According to foreign sources, Israel has been testing propellants for launching ballistic missiles with ranges of thousands of kilometers that are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The last rocket propulsion test was conducted in May.
The following cities are all on the Israeli Defence Ministry’s list:
A very good answer for the Persian murderer … “You will not leave this world without paying what you owe” …
Para hispanoparlantes:
Una muy buena respuesta para el asesino persa… “No te irás de este mundo sin pagar lo que debes”…
Technology is always dual use, what is not is international Law. So if ballistic missiles ate wrong then no country should be able to have or use them. I find this article even more amusing since just yesterday their was a big propaganda effort to demonize Iran for developing missiles that have sufficient lift for them to be able to fit a nuclear weapon if they wanted. Iran of course doesn’t have nuclear weapons but Israel does and Israel has threatened to use them, Iran however has never specifically referred to the specific use of a nuclear weapon but had said that the Korean prohibits their use.
Israel never threaten to use nukes.
That is not true. But moving that one side who is the country that has attacked the other hundreds of times? Well its not Iran who has not even retaliated to the never ending Jewboy attacks.
Not only had Israel
1. NEVER threatened to use nukes
2. NEVER admitted to having any nukes
Israel ALSO doesn’t threaten to wipe Iran off the map on a daily basis!!
Israel is not the aggressor in this situation, the only aggression it hands out is preemptive when an attack on it is eminent!! Israel doesn’t have a global army of proxies doing everything in their power to destroy Iran. Look at a map, Israel isn’t even neighbors with Iran.
Iran uses Israel just like Hitler used the Jews as an distraction to rally the people behind a single cause.
Get your facts straight idiot, read a little bit of history instead of the propaganda headlines that you slurp up just to pat yourself on the back and feel supreme.
So “Not only had Israel NEVER admitted to having any nukes”, what does that tell us about Israeli honesty “Proud”? Should truth not be our guide and should we not shun those that do not walk in it?
Your ex-speaker in Kesset did in 2008
I fully agree with your countries intent to make sure it Never Again happens. However buying/backmailing US leaders, to do the work for for you doesn’t leave you able to claim innocence.
Proud is right 100%.
Also Iran’s corrupted government does absolutely nothing for their own people. They rather stay in the Stone Age than grow as a nation. What has Iran done for humanity lately? Nothing.
what a joke…as if we believe anything these cowards say. Besides, Israel doesn’t threaten anyone in this sane world !!!
Iranian shill. What planet are you on? In what way is technology always ‘dual use’? This is made up by your own imagination. Try becoming an engineer first before you spout such incomprehensible rubbish.
Then you go on to compare technology with law (which cannot be compared) and you write “what is not (dual use) is international law.” (without explaining what dual or single use of law means according to you).
Furthermore, where does international law stipulate that ballistic missiles are ‘wrong’? And when is ‘wrong’ a legal term?
All your post does is advertise that you are in cloud cuckoo land. Advice: Time to get your nose out of the Koran and start studying and working in reality.
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