Israeli Ambassador Danon: In 2017 Abbas spent $345 million for terrorists
Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon, who addressed the UN Security Council on Tuesday after Mahmoud Abbas spoke and exited, commented: “Every time there’s an inch of progress, Mr. Abbas runs away.” Continuing to address the absent Palestinian leader, Danon said: “You have made it official Palestinian policy to sponsor terrorism. In 2017, you spent $345 million paying terrorists for killing innocent Israelis. That is fifty percent of the total foreign aid donated to the PA. This is money you could have spent building forty hospitals. This is money you could have used to build over 170 schools. Every single year.”
Danon praised the Trump administration, for its efforts to restart negotiations and decried the PA’s refusal to accept the US as a broker.
Just confiscate PA money and manage it for them, as they are not managing it well.
Israel shall manage PA’s money and decide what to build, for example hospitals but without
basement so they can not be converted into a weapon storage or terror hq.
Debkafile, please hire a native English speaker for your English publication. Your posts are typically riddled with typos, awkward sentences and comical grammatical errors.
For example, Abbas spends only
$345 on terrorists? Why is that even a problem? Now, if he spent $345 MILLION on terrorism – that WOULD be a worthy HEADLINE.
Also, your pop-up video repeatedly interrupts the reader, who gives up and reads news elaewhere. And where is the FaceBook button in your articles?
This comment is right on for both criticisms: Especially the ads are VERY annoying!
This commenter is spot on.
Though, I think any thinking person can look beyond the poor grammar and typos.
For international news that doesn’t suck, I’m willing to look past it.
Sure the ads are annoying, but we’re not paying Debka anything. We’re getting great news/entertainment for free. Chutzpa is complaining about it.
Agree. Its free.
$345,000,000 – if this is true. This money is more than just wasted, as it actually promotes terror. I don’t understand why it is tolerated. If they’re throwing it away; can they give me some too?
Have an ad killer.
There are enough ooen source projects that remove ads by blocking dns requests for ad servers.
Use it.
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Hey donor countries, aren’t YOU happy ?
It’s time stories like this are told AND repeated in newspapers & on TV, around the world. Most people are unaware of this, and believe the false and misleading palestinian rhetoric.
We have to speak with our local govt. representatives, and local journalists and commentators, so these truths are reported.