Israeli Arabs detained, injured, over violent outbreaks in “Triangle”
At least 17 Israeli Arabs were detained and a dozen slightly injured from tear gas and stun grenades in clashes with police called out to deal with violent disturbances in the Israeli Arab “Triangle” towns of Qalanswa, Tira, Baqa al-Garbiyeh and Taibeh north east of Tel Aviv Friday night. Masked men outside Qalanswa waylaid vehicles, checked if the drivers were Jewish, dragged them out and beat them up before torching their vehicles. The drivers fled on foot. In Wadi Yiron, Arabs from Jat tried to start a fire in neighboring Kibutz Ma’agal. From Taiibeh and Umm al-Fahm, rocks were hurled at passing vehicles on main highways, burning tires from Baq’a al-Garbiyeh. Northeast of Jerusalem, Palestinians rolled burning tires against the town of Maaleh Adummim. Police reinforcements remain at flashpoint areas to deal with any more violent outbreaks.