Israeli drone strikes an incendiary kite team

An Israeli Air Force drone Sunday attacked a vehicle transporting a Palestinian incendiary kite team in northern Gaza, injuring two terrorists. This was the first direct Israeli attack on arson-terrorists since their assault began three months ago. IDF air strikes have so far been harmless and meant as deterrents. On Saturday, the number of fires caused by 30 Palestinian balloon bombs hit a new high.

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14 thoughts on “Israeli drone strikes an incendiary kite team

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 13:08 at 13:08

    Not enough. Strike more of them

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 14:36 at 14:36

    In any country in the world if gangs of arsonists were attacking either their own or a neighboring country, then the authorities would shoot to kill. The punishment has to be a deterrent or it is of no value.

    • Aug 5, 2018 @ 18:30 at 18:30

      go to gaza and fly some kites…. then wait for the boom

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 15:22 at 15:22

    Put a Reaper type drone on alert there, take out any team launching incendiary devices, end of that idea

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 17:36 at 17:36

    Those who try to burn the Nation of Israel and her children by fire should be burnt on fire with no exceptions! They should be caught and burned to death measure for measure! Burn in Hell!

    • Aug 6, 2018 @ 11:32 at 11:32

      The greatest Rabbi taught:

      “Gentiles with whom we are not at war: One must not directly cause their death, but it is forbidden to save them if they are about to die. For example, if one sees a Gentile falling into the sea, it is forbidden to pull him out, for in Leviticus 19:16 it says, ‘You shall not stand by the blood of your neighbor’, and that Gentile is not considered your neighbor.” –

      Yad ha-chazaka, the Laws of Murder and Protection of Life.

      The same word for ‘neighbor’ is used in Leviticus 19:18 in the famous phrase which says, “Love your neighbor as yourself”; but what this is telling Jews is that since a Gentile is not really a neighbor, they must be left to die.

      Freud wrote:

      “I am, you know, cured of the last shred of my predilection for the Aryan cause, and would like to take it that if the child turned out to be a boy he will develop into a stalwart Zionist. He or she must be dark in any case, no more towheads. Let US banish all these will-o’-the-wisps”

      Jewish doctors in Auschwitz were almost always assigned to the camp infirmary and placed in the moral dilemma of serving under German doctors. These Jewish doctors endured an “agony of conscience” as they were ordered to help prevent the spread of disease from Jewish inmates to German captors, for free.

      Maimonides said, “One is not permitted to heal Gentiles, even for payment. But if the Jewish doctor is afraid of them, or if there is concern about arousing hostility, then he may heal for payment, but not free of charge.”
      Yad ha-chazaka, Laws of Idolatry chapter 10 verse 2.

      Joseph Caro, who compiled the Shulchan Aruch, which is the basic “set table” or codification of chalakik Jewish law, said this: “A woman in birth is considered like a sick person whose life is in danger, for whom the Sabbath may be violated for any of her needs in giving birth to her child, such as lighting a candle; but one must not assist a non-Jewish woman in giving birth on the Sabbath.”

      Shulchan Aruch, Or Hayim, Law of the Sabbath 330:1, 2.

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 20:40 at 20:40

    These KITE TEAMS need to be bombed with some type of fluorescent (and difficult to remove) paint which will assist in easily identifying them and hunting them down so they can be arrested, tried, and punished for these overt acts of war against Israel.

    Grace and Shalom,

    • Aug 5, 2018 @ 23:38 at 23:38

      Since these are act of war as you describe then these Mohammedans need to be treated like soldiers of the enemy on the battlefield and not like a citizen affords rights by paying taxes. No trial. No need to waste further resources. They should be delivered death on the spot.

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 23:01 at 23:01

    You should have been exterminated in a conenctration camp? Or did hitler failed? Am i right to say this? I dont think but its no different than what your saying so think about it a little…

  • Aug 5, 2018 @ 23:34 at 23:34

    No. No need to ruin OUR land. Is it high time to do what Hashem has instructed us to do from the get go. Depopulate Gaza. Push these abominations out our land without fear. We are not to be afraid to assert ownership of the land promised to us by Hashem.

    • Aug 6, 2018 @ 0:01 at 0:01


  • Aug 6, 2018 @ 4:01 at 4:01

    I do not understand the reasons for prolonging the agony. The Israeli government is either affraid to stop them in fear of a backlash, or someone drew them a red line, or they see some strange reason that this may work to their advantage?! Why else would they allow Hamas to frustrate the Israeli public?! Any other possibility that I missed?
    If it is indeed a red line, it means Bibi’s cabinet already lost the edge and needs a major overhaul. The other possibility is inconseavible for me to comprehend

  • Aug 6, 2018 @ 9:39 at 9:39

    Israel, change the demography by clinical means, only long term solution to save humanity

  • Aug 6, 2018 @ 10:23 at 10:23

    too late too little

    when will the stupid Israelis learn that Arabs only understand force????


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