Israel’s final warning to Hamas to stop rocket fire or else…

DEBKAfile: Hamas has been involved in rocket fire against Israel from the Gaza Strip for some time. A Hamas activist died in the Israeli air strike against a rocket team outside Khan Younes Sunday night, after firing a six-rocket volley against Netivot. The Palestinian fundamentalists is clearly making a habit of posting at least one activist with every rocket team attacking Israel from Gaza on behalf of fellow terrorist groups. His job is to keep the attack with the bounds set by Hamas. In recent weeks,

Israeli authorities avoided blaming Hamas for this involvement to avoid opening a second front during theall-out military operation to recover the three kidnapped Israeli teenagers and smash Hamas’ West Bank strongholds.

By officially confirming Hamas' culpability in the 15-rocket barrage Monday, the Netanyahu government was conveying a last warning: Stop the rockets or else IDF will ramp up its counter-attacks on Gaza targets, especially those of Hamas. 

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