Israel’s Maronite Christians welcome Jewish nation law

The new nation-state law passed by the Knesset last week, while stirring dispute in some circles, was warmly welcomed Sunday by Shabi Haloul, head of the small ancient Christian Maronite community of Israel. He said in a radio interview that a Jewish majority was the bulwark for Israel’s democracy, in which the ancient Christian community minority could be sure of equal rights like other minorities. Haloul explained that the nation law would protect Israel from the erosion of the Jewish majority and democratic system, like process overtaking Lebanon where the Christians were once the majority. Israel has around 160,000 Christians, most of them Maronite Catholics.

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12 thoughts on “Israel’s Maronite Christians welcome Jewish nation law

  • Jul 29, 2018 @ 14:28 at 14:28

    Israel is an Ashkenazi republic, founded by Ashkenazim, fought for and won by Ashkenazim.

    • Jul 29, 2018 @ 16:09 at 16:09

      I’m sure that would set off a regular riot in your community where people would be busy bombing each other’s mosques for weeks. Nice try.

    • Jul 29, 2018 @ 18:17 at 18:17

      My great uncle, who was born in Alexandria and traveled to join the IDF and fight in 1948, would disagree with you. As would several million other non-Ashkenazic Israeli fighters & patriots.

  • Jul 30, 2018 @ 3:56 at 3:56

    They are stupid the law is anti-democratic

  • Jul 30, 2018 @ 6:52 at 6:52

    Avraham is the father of all “Jews”. Avraham is from Ur, Chaldea now known as southern Iraq. The Jews/Israelis/Hebrews from the Tanakh are blood descendant of Avraham (they are Mizrahim). Ashkenazi Jews are European in origin, not from the Middle East like the original Jews/Israelis/Hebrews.

    • Jul 30, 2018 @ 12:07 at 12:07

      Ashkenazic Jews are called that because they follow German Jewish customs. Not because they originate in Europe. Judea was conquered by Rome and many Judean communities were shipped to Rome, where they migrated throughout Europe over the course of centuries. Other communities stayed in Israel and were subjected to brutal oppression by successive conquerors. Learn some real history instead of repeating idiotic internet theories.

    • Jul 31, 2018 @ 6:55 at 6:55

      Don’t be stupid! Just because you say you are Sephardic Jew does not mean you really are one! G-d dispersed us Tribes of Israel to the ends of the earth and from there He will gather us In. Both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Members of The Nation of Israel descend from Abraham, Yitzhak, and Task of if you were really one of us you would know that. Am Yisrael Chai and by the way both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Members of The Tribe Of Israel are feared warriors especially when The G-d of Israel goes forth with us in battle. Hopefully the entire world will accept the True Creator Of the Worlds Moral code including 7 Noahide Laws for all Humanity and 613 commandments for the Nation of Israel and her Righteous Converts!

      • Jul 31, 2018 @ 15:40 at 15:40

        He is obviously not a Sephardic Jew, just a lifeless Jew-hating troll. No Jewish person would say what he said.

      • Jul 31, 2018 @ 16:24 at 16:24

        G-d. or god, or God does no longer exist, he is just your imaginary friend supposed to do all you wish.

  • Jul 30, 2018 @ 17:06 at 17:06

    The #’s are way off in this blip of an article. There are way more than 150.000 Christians in Israel, and the majority are not Maronite Catholics. The immigrants from the FSR are the dominant group, and they are eastern Orthodox. there are a substantial # of Greek Orthodox among the Arab Christians, and there are also serious #’s of JW’s in the mix. Maronites had their #’s swollen only by the influx of the Lebanese who came when the IDF cut and ran out of Lebanon and even then the #’s are small.
    Probalby doesnt mean much but the facts are different than the rticle repoerts. Why? IDNK. Debka is not to be taken at face value, somethimes they ar at

  • Jul 30, 2018 @ 17:07 at 17:07

    The #’s are way off in this blip of an article. There are way more than 150.000 Christians in Israel, and the majority are not Maronite Catholics. The immigrants from the FSR are the dominant group, and they are eastern Orthodox. there are a substantial # of Greek Orthodox among the Arab Christians, and there are also serious #’s of JW’s in the mix. Maronites had their #’s swollen only by the influx of the Lebanese who came when the IDF cut and ran out of Lebanon and even then the #’s are small.
    Probalby doesnt mean much but the facts are different than the rticle repoerts. Why? IDNK. Debka is not to be taken at face value, somethimes they are “fake news”. but other times they are the only point of light. Funny how that goes :)))


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