Israel’s security cabinet meetings moves to secret underground facility
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu gave the order Tuesday for security cabinet sessions to take place henceforth until July at the National Center for Crisis Management which has been established in a secret underground facility in Jerusalem. He offered no reason for the decision. The two last sessions were held there and a third one is scheduled for this week. The ministers attending them are obliged to deposit their cell phones and digital gadgets at the entrance before going into the bunker..
UH OH …If I was The FATAGOLLAH and the IRGC MIDGETS I’d be very FRIGHTENED and NERVOUS what this could mean for their lives and their futures as Camel-Prick Perverts,
Rants from foul-mouthed children are pervasive on this site. Adults desire rational discourse and informational input giving respect to others. Unfortunately, non-Christians do not understand the benefits of maintaining clean and civil communications as written by the Apostle Paul in the Word of God. Peace.
I agree.
“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth” (Eph. 4:29).
25 Oy to you, Sofrim and Perushim, tzevuim, you cleanse the outside of the kos (cup) and the dish, but inside they are full of chamdanut (greed) and taavanut (lust). 26 Blind Parush, first cleanse the inside of the kos, that perhaps also the outside may become clean.
27 Oy to you, Sofrim and Perushim, tzevuim, for you are like kevarim (graves) having been whitewashed, which on the outside indeed appear ois vaist (ostensibly) shein (beautiful), but on the inside are full of the unclean bones of the mesim (dead ones) and every trayfnyak. 28 Thus on the outside you indeed appear tzodek (righteous) to Bnei Adam, but on the inside you are full of tzeviut (hypocrisy) and you are lawlessly against the Torah.
29 Oy to you, Sofrim and Perushim, tzevuim, for you build kevarim of the Neviim and decorate matsevot (gravestones) of the tzaddikim, 30 And you say, If we were in the yamim (days) of Avoteinu (our Fathers), we would not have been shuttafim (partners) with them in the dahm haNeviim (blood of the Prophets). 31 Therefore, you are edim (witnesses) against yourselves that you are the banim (sons) of the ratzchaniyot (murderers) of the Neviim. 32 And you fill up the measure of your Avot. 33 Snakes, you banim of nachashim, how can you escape the Yom HaDin of Gehinnom?
Prince Siddhattha reflected thus:
“Why do I, being subject to birth, decay, disease, death, sorrow
and impurities, thus search after things of like nature. How, if I,
who am subject to things of such nature, realize their disadvantages
and seek after the unattained, unsurpassed, perfect security which
is Nibbāna! Cramped and confined is household life, a den of
dust, but the life of the homeless one is as the open air of heaven!
Hard is it for him who bides at home to live out as it should be lived
the Holy Life in all its perfection, in all its purity.”
One glorious day as he went out of the palace to the pleas
ure park to see the world outside, he came in direct contact
with the stark realities of life. Within the narrow confines of
the palace he saw only the rosy side of life, but the dark side,
the common lot of mankind, was purposely veiled from him.
What was mentally conceived, he, for the first time, vividly
saw in reality. On his way to the park his observant eyes met
the strange sights of a decrepit old man, a diseased person, a
corpse and a dignified hermit.
The first three sights convinc
ingly proved to him, the inexorable nature of life, and the uni
versal ailment of humanity. The fourth signified the means to
overcome the ills of life and to attain calm and peace. These
four unexpected sights served to increase the urge in him to
loathe and renounce the world.
Realizing the worthlessness of sensual pleasures, so highly
prized by the worldling, and appreciating the value of renun-
ciation in which the wise seek delight, he decided to leave the
world in search of Truth and Eternal Peace.
“Speak the truth in love.” Ephesians 4:15
Good speech, brother. You’ve got my support.
Christians? You mean the ‘people’ who slaughtered EVERYONE during the Crusades, Enslaved and SLAUGHTERED INDIANS throughout the Americas and PILLAGED and RAPED JEWS throught History. Yes I will TRY to be as UNLIKE them as possible,.
If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll have to acknowledge that Christians can be very different. In other words, there are ‘Christians’ and there are Christians.
“…there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; BY REASON OF WHOM THE WAY OF TRUTH SHALL BE EVIL SPOKEN OF” (2Pe 2:1,2).
I would specifically like you to know also that there were Christians who saved little Jewish kids by hundreds and thousands from the Nazi Germany on the eve of WWII, and made them part of their own families without EVER compelling them to denounce their Jewish roots or imposing their own Christian beliefs on them. What do you make of SUCH Christians, I wonder?
I, too, want to be unlike those who pillage, rape, and slaughter anyone. True Christians do not act as such. Oh, there are many people who might say they are christian, but their actions demonstrate something else.
I could spend great lengths discussing the large numbers of deceived ‘Christians’ today, but suffice it to say, they do not truly read and study the Holy Bible. It is truly sad and I can understand your negative examples you give, but that is no reason to write the foul things that you do. Peace.
Texas Dave: I’m sure you’re not a bad guy. But I think you should stick to the Christian Web sites with your own people and keep off the Jewish Websites, such as this one.
Sure, as soon as Israeli agents stop messing with non-Jewish entities 😉
ssshhhhhut don’t tell them…lol
You will surely see the wrath of God Jesus to anyone fighting against Israel
No, no, no! Why to hide from friendly Iran’s eyes? I strongly believe in Iran friendship for Israel, Iran will not wage war on Israel, ever!
But hey, even if some very small attacks might happen, these will be only here and there along the Northern border and jquite a few cities! There is even a fatwa against aviation or catapult bombing of the main Israel cities, our ayatollah is decisively against such terrible actions. One might say “but Iran has also rockets”, in which case is dead wrong, we do not have Iranian rockets, only Syrians and Hezbollah have plenty.
However, if some salves of rockets go astray and fall on Israel territory, this is entirely IDF responsibility, they shouldn’t have disturbed with radar heinous radiations the intended peaceful path.
At this time our ayatollah caresses a white dove, while reflecting to the onderful Islamic peace.
Fair deuce, noble friend. I too, am for peace.
If 26 from 30 missiles that iran fired to golan landed in different country (i don’t know what it means, but it’s part of israel air force chief speech) there is no need for bibi to go to bunker
Netanyahu and his evil brethren have murdered sleep and will no longer have peace. The Iranians are just fuming for now and Netanyahu is hiding in a bunker what a big shame to an arrogant coward.
Yes, cumunder Jim, on my way! Any other instructions? 🙂
I guess they think the Iranians have agents in Israel looking for targets. So a prudent move.
We’ve seen the Islamofascist suicide hijackers, sneaker bomber, underwear bombers, knifers, car rammers, bombers, so the ayatoolas of Fascist Iran are making Iran into a Suicide country.
I hope the Persian people can neutralize and punish their despotic ayatoolahs before Islamofascist hijacked Persia will be destroyed in retaliation.
It would be a shame if it became necessary for Persia to be obliterated in retaliation.
Turkey isn’t shia. Also “nuking” people – Iran or otherwise – is a fantasy.