Kahol Lavan follows Likud in accepting Hauser compromise
With only hours to spare before the government falls, Kahol Lavan came around to joining Likud in adopting the bill advanced by MK Zvi Hauser for postponing by 120 days the budget’s mandatory presentation on April 24. The bill had its second and third readings in the Finance Committee on Sunday night. If it is not carried by the Knesset plenum by Monday midnight, the house automatically dissolves itself for a new election.
During the interim period up until the next deadline on Dec. 23, senior public appointments – major sticking point between Likud and Kahol Lavan – will be put on ice, and 11 billion shekels ($3.2bn) added to 2020 expenditure to cover urgent education, health and welfare needs. Hauser: “Let’s hope we have managed to stave off the election madness.”
DEBKAfile consistently reported that there would be no fourth election.