Kerry urges Abbas to “resist Trump, stay strong”
Former US Secretary of State John Kerry sent a message to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas urging him to “stay strong in his spirit and play for time and not yield to President Trump’s demands.” Kerry offered to help the Palestinians, hinting that Trump would not be around for long and he, himself, may be considering another run for president in 2020. “Maybe it’s time for the Palestinians to present their own plan”, said Kerry, who during the presidency of Barack Obama, tried and failed to negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
Once again, here’s “More evidences are revealing the seditious activities of the newly exposed “secret society” in America”…
It is amazing to me that an American who says he is a patriot, willingly defies the President of the US and His policies by openly helping foreign governments to defy US Policy. This is just one more example of Anti US Patriotism by a US citizen. Back in the old days, if a US citizen took up arms for a foriegn government, he would lose his US citizenship. Hmmmm
…..and today, consider running for president. He’s a first class putz
US law prohibits citizens interfering with US foreign policy. If true, Kerry could be prosecuted.
“Maybe it’s time for the Palestinians to present their own plan”??? Um, I think we’ve all heard their plan. It doesn’t include a state of Israel.
Kerry…go to hell.!
Kerry should take withim Obamba.
The two of them should burn in hell for the meas they left behind. They are terrorists, traitors… Fifth Column.
He shall. Just like Sharon for giving Israeli land away
Kerry you are a first class PUTZ ! You will never be POTUS you are and always will be PUTZ ASS till you join your friends the muslims in their paradise and give pleasure to camels
i hear he’s good…he schmears botox on his tochus
Mr. Ketchup is acting like a clown. Not funny though.
What is really concerning is that Kerry actually believes what he says…he’s not the only one …it is insanity en-masse…sickness of the brain…indoctrinated marxist globalists…we are all so lucky that hillary did not win…my god…it is too horrible to imagine what hell we would all be heading toward now…so far, since Trump has been elected – things have actually much for the ”sky is falling’ mantra by the globalists…hillary was at big odds with Russia so we’d have a possible war with them as well as north korea too…
This guy must be brain dead. Didn’t he already try his hand and failed in 2014? Does he think if he brings more anti israel bills to un, then israel will agree to his plan?
The problem is he thinks israel is same as south africa. He has no clue at all about Judaism.
Kerry is delusional to think that he and any influence with anyone but his barber or house cook. He is a resurrected von Ribbentrop whose poses a clear and present danger to the institution of credibility.
More words of wisdom from Potato Face Kerry. To think I contemplated voting for this POS makes me want to puke.
He is part of The Clinton-Obama Crime Syndicate!
I didn’t vote for Trump and don’t agree with him for the most part, but here is why better Trump than the Dems. “Deputy Secretary of Fatah Revolutionary Council, Majed Al-Fatiani: “It is not enough that only the residents of Jerusalem stand against [the occupation] in its streets, alleys, and neighborhoods… This act needs to spread over all of the Palestinian land between the [Jordan] River and the [Mediterranean] Sea. Our identity is between the river and the sea. Our national popular sovereignty is between the river and the sea.”
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Jan. 1, 2018]
the no state solution-that’s the new plan, jew bollocks./
When the Arabs presented their case and the Emir Faisal, Colonel Lawrence, and General Nouri Pasha came before the Big Four, they were certainly the most resplendent figures that had ever entered the Quai d’Orsay. Dark and subtle, but with a voice attuned to the great open spaces, Faisal talked right out in meeting and glowered down upon the prime ministers of the Great Powers who sat uneasily at his feet. Clearly he came not as a suppliant but to demand the rights of his people and the observance of solemn agreements which, as the emergency was over, some were inclined to forget. Lawrence was his interpreter and he further emphasized the emphatic words of the desert king.
“The aim of the Arab nationalist movement,” insisted Faisal, “is to unite the Arabs eventually into one nation. We believe that our ideal of Arab unity in Asia is justified beyond need of argument. If argument is required, we would point to the general principles accepted by the Allies when the United States joined them, to our splendid past, to the tenacity with which our race has for six hundred years resisted Turkish attempts to absorb us, and in a lesser degree to what we tried our best to do in this war as one of the Allies.
“My father has a privileged place among Arabs as the head of their greatest family and as Sherif of Mecca. He is convinced of the ultimate triumph of the ideal of unity, if no attempt is made now to thwart it or to hinder it by dividing the area as spoils of war among the Great Powers.
“I came to Europe on behalf of my father and the Arabs of Asia to say that they are expecting the powers at the Conference not to attach undue importance to superficial differences of condition among us and not to consider them only from the low ground of existing European material interests and supposed spheres of influence. They expect the Powers to think of them as one potential people, jealous of their language and liberty, and they ask that no step be taken inconsistent with the prospect of an eventual union of these areas under one sovereign government.”
So, the key to establishing a unified Arab state is establishing a state of “Palestine”, which has never existed, for a group of Arabs never distinctly identified until halfway through the 20th century as “Palestinians”, and establishing Jerusalem – which has been the capital of exactly zero Arab states, ever – as that state’s capital. That is how Arab unity will be established? Deranged, delusional, and definitely should not be entertained as a “peaceful” alternative. Better to just fight, and win.
They will never get a “state” – they don’t actually want one. Just fanatical brainwashed terrorists…as they have always been under satanic islam..The muslims will never get Jerusalem and get to to enjoy it. The problem is they are just too stupid to understand that fact, and will just die for nothing trying to take what isn’t theirs and never was. Its all about conquest, theft, rape and killing, killing, killing for 1400 years.
What a couple: a donkey and a donkey’s turd…
This long time America hating cockroach apparently also hates Jews, or longs for the days they weren’t allowed in the same country clubs as he and his old school days buddy Robert Mueller were. Any American Jew that voted for him, or who would consider supporting him may as well ball up their fist – if they still can – and punch themselves right in the face.
To counter his last campaign for the White House, Kerry’s former Riverine Vietnam shipmates wrote a book titled “Unfit For Command,” exposing his incompetence as a Swift Boat Commander. The only thing which has changed since then, is that Kerry has proven himself more deluded and more driven to undermine his country’s foreign policy. The “Swift Boaters” need to revive their campaign and remind the American public why Kerry is, more than ever, “Unfit to Command!”
He began undermining American foreign policy and giving encouragement to America’s foes at a young age. He should be trusted like a sailor at sea that would cut a hole in his mates’ shipbottom.
Kerry should shut up.
As your article said “(kerry ) tried and failed to negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestinians.”
Only a moron would continue the same approach year after unsuccessful year. At some point you have to change strategy.
I can’t recall a former Sec. Of State interfering with US govt. Policy. He should be ashamed.
It seems and sounds, as if kerry’s scull contains all the 57 Ketchup varieties – and nothing else !
Kerry is delusional, the U.S. Constitution will crush domestic enemies of the State. Trump not going nowhere.
What a dumb human being is JK. Obama policy in all its glory.
kerry’s position is not surprising considering his past support of the vietcong in the 1960’s.
Thank you Mr. Kerry !… you tell the Palestinians to wait and see for a year. It’s good for Israel.
In the meantime, Israel with structure the alliance with the Saudis and other muslim countries.
It sounds like 1948. When the Arab leaders, told the people of the “Arab state to be” to leave and wait for their “brothers’ countries” for a quick total victory. Then, it was : “throw the Jews to the sea”.
During that year of “stand still” for Abbas, it will result : “throw the Palestinians behind the Jordan River”?? Thank you Mr Kerry !
kerry should join his buddy mccain and go back to nam an reunite with their bodies and unc. ho…he sure isn’t an american and his words display how stupid he is…
He should be.
one illegitimate leader to another: wait for the legitimate leader to leave. Those two are safe to ignore.
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