Khameini: Attack on Syria was a crime
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Saturday that the US-British-French attack on Syria was a crime and would not achieve any gains. In a speech cited by Iranian TV, he said, “US, allies will not gain any achievements from crimes in Syria. Attacking Syria is a crime. US president, UK prime minister and the president of France are criminals.”
EXACTLY!!! A crime commited by CRIMINALS!!!!
The crime is ISLAM!!!And it’s a LIE!!
exactly Khameini is a criminal pig. Like assad.
Islam is criminal.
that’s generalization and prejudicious
“generalization”? how many women have live under the sharia law?
how many women have to live under the sharia law?
Hearing you squirm is music to my ears. I wish you were next.
There is a rich man in hell, . . . still pleading for the water on the tip of Lazarus’ finger to cool his parched and drying tongue.
The bearded old pedophile Khomeini is sitting just down the bench from the rich man and one day soon, Khameini and Assad will join them.
But the chorus of their profanity laced screaming will not be enough to assuage their eternal punishment.
Attack on civilian Jews is crime too
Whos that Khameini?
Khameini is the leading terrorist in our time. He with the aid of his henchmen steal Iranian wealth that should go to help the population and use it to spread their sick ideology on decent people.