Knesset passes law enshrining Israel as the national home of the Jewish people
Israel is the Jewish nation’s historic homeland under its unique right to exercise national self-determination. This was determined by the long-debated Basic Law carried by the Knesset Wednesday night by a 62:55 vote with 2 abstentions, after a stormy eight-hour session. The Israeli flag, menorah, Hatikva anthem, Hebrew calendar, and Jewish holidays were defined as national symbols, Hebrew as the official language, with special status for Arabic, a clause challenged fiercely by Israel Arab leaders. Another hotly-disputed clause, allowing Jewish-only communities was scrapped, and replaced by the “The state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation.”
The new law further affirms that the state will be open for Jewish immigration and act within the Diaspora to strengthen the affinity between the state and members of the Jewish people. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu lauded the law, which has raised criticism in Israel and among some overseas Jewish groups, as “a defining moment in the history of Zionism and the history of the State of Israel.”
Israel is apparently of the view that the Creator is INCAPABLE of retaliating for NONSENSE like this:
We’ll see.
Michael (Daniel 12:1, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Sura 2:98 of the Quran)
Very good!
But jewish only cities are very important.
Meanwhile the Anona (City Tax) shall be 10 times for non jewish people for most cities
This helps to form Arab only, mixed and Jewish cities.
Having only Jews provides less conflict. Running bus services between jewish only cities improves on security of transport.
I do not really understand why this is not in the Constitution.
Am I stupid or what?
Don’t worry… There is no Jewish tribe mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 40… God has a better law… The return of the Tribes of Israel. And Godly people. And Israel is not actually Jewish. – One will begin quickly to understand such a dimension and perspective quickly. Once God cleanses the land… By using war to eliminate what is here already. And resetting the land for the people that God has actually chosen during such temple times. And one may find 99% are non Jews. But another type of Jew… Israel is not Jewish… A pure pedigree Levite & Cohen should not be Jewish. Abraham was not Jewish. Judah was not Jewish either under king Hezekiahs rein. What the Jews fail to realise… Is that a bigger holocaust is due for this land. This is from God to clear the dross of silver from the land. The people here are not exactly chosen for the end. The land will be cleared. Ready for better people from abroad. To fulfill the promise… Notice in the Bible. God always calls this land Israel. And never a Jewish land… The Jews have over stepped the line… The fate awaits them sadly. As this could be avoided.
you are full of she.t
I welcome this step. Israel, a Jewish state ruled by Jews for Jews.
just some kind of stuff that israelis can make…
i dont hear philipinno asking people to recognize them… only israelis get mad because it is a fake country, only a colony of racist people. Also ask bibi to put a law for homosexuality. Tel-aviv is the biggest place for homosexual in middle east. Bravo israel -or lets call for its real name- the homosexual state (because it CANNOT be jew if its gay…) for making israel the most gay place in middle east in the “holy land”. now bibi where is the law to accomodate the gayness of the state
because of what israelis made justice will make sure to kick out all the zionists to europe
give it some time it is not the first time in history that you will take back your boats
Why does israel need a gay state when gay people are free to be gay in Israel? As you’ve said yourself, Tel Aviv is the largest gay community in the Middle East. Unlike the surrounding Muslim countries, homosexuality isn’t a crime with stoning as a punishment.
then STOP calling it the jewish state! IM A JEW AND I DONT WANT A GAY STATE TO REPRESENT ME. neither a robber and a murderer like israel.
And WTF do we care about the muslims, it dosent even make sense to talk about muslims. Im talking about tel-aviv the self proclaiming gay jews.
Proud jew,
Antoine Rivest
Ann-twat Racist,
If Israel was the problem then Arabs/Muslims would be living in Peace with NON-Zionists, NON-Israelis, NON-Jews,
but they’re NOT.
Islam is at War with EVERBODY. At War with Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Zoroastrians AND even FELLOW Muslims (sunni v shiite v wahabbi v salifi v Klingon).
It looks you have an Ass to grind
One of the greatest days in the history of Jewish people. Bad day for the 5th column Israelis collaborating with haters in Eurabia.
1. How are they going to tell if s person is “Jewish”?
2. Would some people more Jewish than others?
3. Why would US, where people are diverse, send billions of tax dollars yearly to a state that recognizes only one ethnicity?
There is a halachic definition for the faith. Another for Aliyah which is every Jew according to Nazi rule (eg person with Jewish grandfather only) who had the right to be killed by the Germans.
So many people do aliyah who can violate shabat without punishment which is good for economy ..
People who criticize the new law on the grounds that declaring Israel a Jewish state might make non-Jews feel like second class citizens are being very selective in their outrage. One of Israel’s neighbors is officially known as the Arab Republic of Egypt, and another is known as the Syrian Arab Republic. Both these nations have non-Arab minorities. Have the people who are now criticizing Israel criticized these other nations for making non-Arabs feel like second class citizens. I sincerely doubt it!
The law brings Israel closer to restoring its biblical status.
It is a genuine law.
Non Jews will have to accept it.