Kushner: US peace plan wants Palestinians under one leadership

“The US peace plan will deal with all the core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” said Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s adviser, in an interview with Sky News in Arabic on Monday. Kushner said that he and Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt had “formulated practical and just solutions to the issue that will be relevant for 2019. The plan is very detailed and focuses on drawing the border and resolving key issues.” Washington also hopes to see “a reconciliation between the Palestinian leaderships in Gaza and the West Bank” and the Palestinians “united under one leadership.” Kushner went on to say: “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been used for years to incite extremism. For years resistance to the nation of Israel has united the region, but now it is changing … We see that Iran is the greatest threat in the region.”. Earlier this month, Kushner told the Middle East summit in Warsaw that the peace plan will be presented after the Israeli elections on April 9.

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6 thoughts on “Kushner: US peace plan wants Palestinians under one leadership

  • Feb 25, 2019 @ 18:58 at 18:58

    Heavens help us from USA Liberals ; This sounds like disaster.

    • Feb 25, 2019 @ 21:06 at 21:06

      Trump and the U.S. Administration will never do anything to harm Israel. Neither Trump nor his Administration are Liberals. Just remember that no matter what is stated in this Peace Plan it does not mean the Palestinian Terrorist Organization will accept it. They do not want Peace. Trump could offer them all of Israel except Tel Aviv and they would never agree. So pay attention to their history and know that these wars are not about “Land” it is about Hate and Jealousy from these Arabs towards the Jewish people. Trump is not stupid. Just watch what happens.

  • Feb 25, 2019 @ 18:59 at 18:59

    There’s only way that the border can be drawn: from the river to the sea. Those are Israel’s legal border under uti possedetis juris, i.e. the borders set out in the Mandate are by law inherited by Israel. The truth must prevail otherwise any deal is a sure prescription to more terrorism. Otherwise, Kushner and Greenblatt are simply offering warmed over horse plop; they fail to recognize that they are dealing with irridentist fanatics–not statesmen.

  • Feb 26, 2019 @ 0:56 at 0:56

    Why do the US and other Western countries insist on flogging a dead horse? There will never be peace in the Middle East while Islam has followers. Muslim’s are committed to a world view that instructs them to kill or subjugate anyone who is not Islamic. It’s not working but they are on a mission from ‘god” so logic doesn’t come into it.

  • Feb 26, 2019 @ 4:47 at 4:47

    Palestinian 1P1V1S leadership under Marwan Barghouti and people of his heroic stature in the triumphant One State will read as a roll of honor!
    Palestinians in the 1P1V1S have a range of heroic choices – Saab Erekat, Linda Sarsour, Omar Barghouti, Ali Abunimah, Ahed Tamimi – there are so many heroes

  • Feb 26, 2019 @ 9:59 at 9:59

    The damage Obama’s Cairo’s speech caused and the UN resolution hwe decided not to veto, are on one side, matched by a Kushner plan that calls for vacating the West Bank, uniting it with Gaza and creating a Palestinian State on the other: Both call for the destruction of the Jewish State


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