Lieberman: Israel reserves freedom of action on Syrian ceasefire

In reference to the ceasefire agreed by Presidents Trump and Putin, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday: “We are still learning the details of the deal and its connotations for southwestern Syria and Iran’s deepening presence in Syria.  We reserve full freedom of action to do what is necessary in our security interests,” he said, repeating “full freedom of action.” The minister added that Israel is deeply concerned that the Islamists in flight from liberated Mosul may head west out of Iraq. That concern, he said, is shared by Saudi Arabia and other Middle East nations.

DEBKAfile: Many of the jihadists who fled Mosul in the nine-month battle have already headed west, settling in the two eastern Syrian-Iraqi border towns of Abu Kamal and Mayadin and in Al-Qa’im on the Iraqi side of the border.

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