May gets a lifeline from Trump on Brexit

President Donald Trump claimed Friday that Brexit is set to “very substantially” increase trade between the UK and United States. Speaking at the White House, he said: ‘You know all of the situation with respect to Brexit and the complexity and the problems, but we have a very good trading relationship with the UK and that’s just been strengthened.” Prime Minister Theresa May has her political back to the wall against massive opposition for the exit deal she signed with the European Union and defeat after defeat in parliament.

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9 thoughts on “May gets a lifeline from Trump on Brexit

  • Feb 15, 2019 @ 20:36 at 20:36

    President Trump is a genius. He proves it over and over as he and his administration continue to make great advances for the USA. Clearly, he has blessed Israel and therefore God has blessed him as his successes stack up. God Bless President Donald Trump. Peace.

    • Feb 16, 2019 @ 15:25 at 15:25

      Texas Dave, go read the Book of John

  • Feb 15, 2019 @ 21:46 at 21:46

    Pie in the sky. Trump successes at home have little to so with Israel and everything to do with his economic and social policies at home.

    But regarding policy towards Israel it is not so rosy. Trump has recognised Jerusalem and put a base in S Israel but that is about all. The US troops are coming out of Syria and Afghanistan and will leave another vacuum in thosse countries Then ISIS will re-appear from the shadows into which they have melted. During the last two years Iran and Hizbollah have moved forward their positions and Iran is now backing Hamas as well, and Jordan has reduced its treaty with Israel to make Syria and Trukey happy.

    You obviously do not know who Trump is. He is an isolationsist. When push comes to shove over the Russian colalition attacking Israel he will not lift a finger.

    • Feb 15, 2019 @ 23:42 at 23:42

      ISIS will not return, because ISIS was a creation of the CIA. A swamp that Trump is draining financially and in any other way. I look forward to the day that Clapper and Brennan are executed for high treason along with many other higher ups.

    • Feb 16, 2019 @ 16:52 at 16:52

      You are an idiot!!!

  • Feb 15, 2019 @ 22:44 at 22:44

    God bless President Trump!

    So smart! Take our troops out of ungrateful harms way in Iraq Syria and Afghanistan and station them friendly and comfortably in Israel and Jordan…

    • Feb 16, 2019 @ 15:26 at 15:26

      The only intervention the Yanks know how to is bombing from above the clouds with their eyes closed. Are you sure you want them in the fight when the fighting is on your streets and in your towns?

      • Feb 16, 2019 @ 19:44 at 19:44

        an idiotic childish remark of a no nothing adolescent, (I’m giving you adolescences) as gift to lesson the reality of being ignorant

  • Feb 16, 2019 @ 1:10 at 1:10

    May, do NOT believe him, he IS a LIAR !


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