Missile strikes on pro- Iranian Shiite bases in Syria

A string of missile attacks Sunday night against pro-Iranian Shiite targets in Syria were reported early Monday by Syrian and Lebanese media. Sky News reported 40 dead including 18 children. Some Syrian rebel sources took responsibility for the attack, but Lebanese media, including Hizballah’s Al Ahbar, accused Israel. The Syrian army stated briefly: “Syria is being exposed to a new aggression with some military bases in rural Hama and Aleppo hit with enemy rockets.” Syrian sources disclosed that two pro-Iranian militia command posts were targeted: the Maarin al-Jabal headquarters of the 47th Brigade of a Shiite militia which is under Iranian Revolutionary Guards command. A big explosion occurred when a missile hit its ammunition dump. Another pro-Iranian Shiite command post that of the 80th brigade was hit near Aleppo.

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