Moscow transfers S-400s to Turkey ahead of schedule
Russia has completed the transfer of all the S-400 air defense missile systems purchased by Turkey ahead of their contracted schedule. This was announced on Sunday by Alexander Mikheev, director of Russians arms export company Rosoboronexport.
It is the right time to name Turkey, the S-400 is very bad, heh, heh, heh … !!!
Turkey is anti – Semitic islamic terror state supporting Hamas, ISIS and Iran (by buying oil and selling arms to them). erDOGan is an idiot obsessed with Israels destruction. A kurdish state in Eastern turkey will put an end to the ottoman dream for Yerushalaym.
Jihad goes on ….
Those systems have a secret kill switch, in case Turkey turns to be Russia’s foe the Russians will disable it !
No big suprise if Russia can remotely deactivate or even retarget the Turkey S-400 missiles.
Peace Has Been Reached! S-400 Won’t Be Needed! Jolly Good Show! Now Send Isis Back To EU!
Turkey will leave nato and ally with russia.
@jake Yes. Ezekiel 38 and 39
Is it the “used” ones from Syria that never worked? 😉
Erdogan never was a smart one.
Russia can disable it at all times.