Sgt. Aviv Levy is the Israeli soldier killed by Hamas sniper

IDF 1st Sgt. Aviv Levy, 20, from Petah Tikva, was shot dead Friday by a cross-border Hamas sniper bullet. He was part of the team controlling a Palestinian riot against the border fence, which diverted attention from the Hamas sniper team lurking in the background. Aviv Levy, a fighter of the IDF Givati Brigade, was the first Israeli soldier to die in a confrontation with Hamas since Israel’s last counter-terror operation in Gaza four years ago. Aviv was to have celebrated his 21st birthday in two weeks and finish his three-year military service in three months. He is mourned by his parents and three brothers.

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5 thoughts on “Sgt. Aviv Levy is the Israeli soldier killed by Hamas sniper

  • Jul 21, 2018 @ 21:06 at 21:06

    Arabs undertand revenge; This soldier was murdered by cowards ; Crime can not go unpunished

  • Jul 21, 2018 @ 21:25 at 21:25

    His death is the fault of the Israeli government not destroying the Gaza after Hamas took over. The chief of staff of Israel is more concerned with what lawyers think then about killing terrorists burning Israel with kites. The entire Israeli government needs to be removed new elections vote in an extreme right government while Israel sill exists. I fear that Israel will be destroyed by Iran and Hezbollah and Hamas became Israel is being a sacrifice . They want the world to like the Jews . It doesn’t work that way . The best defense is a strong offenses

    • Jul 22, 2018 @ 14:27 at 14:27

      Maybe you should read your Scriptures… while Israel is overrun at a point in the future … it’s Messiah Yeshua comes to it’s rescue.

  • Jul 22, 2018 @ 0:35 at 0:35

    The difference between Israel and its neighbors is the keen ability of voters to make a difference. Yes that means taking a chance, but also it may mean a determined change in direction.
    In the 80’s the Lebanese Christians were offered a chance, a decision to follow in the footsteps of Israel, with guarantees from the Israeli leadership at that time. At stake was their freedom of the arab association and the potential of building a country free of the Palestinian assholes.
    The Lebanese Christians wanted to have their cake and eat it at the same time. They were affraid that their fellow Christians would be kicked out of the arab world and lose on the millions they were generating. Added to that was the Reagan’s siding with Arabs who drew red lines for Israel in Lebanon and who convinced the Christians to stay with their Arab bretherens. Look at them now!! They are all slaves to Hizballah, they live in hell, and their future is always a mystery.
    Israeli voters are being trained to assimulate, accept, and always run to the “right choice”. I just hope that Bibi is not becoming like Berri of Lebanon. That asshole has been a fixture for the past 50 years!!! Maybe more. Beware!!!


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