Netanyahu convenes security cabinet after 27-shell barrage from Gaza

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called a special security cabinet meeting Tuesday, hours after Palestinians aimed a 27-shell barrage across 20 southern Israel towns and communities within range of the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties. . All homes and institutions in these communities have fortified rooms for shelter when sirens sound the alert for incoming fire from Gaza. The cabinet will determine Israel’s response to the latest Palestinian aggression.


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7 thoughts on “Netanyahu convenes security cabinet after 27-shell barrage from Gaza

  • May 29, 2018 @ 9:19 at 9:19

    Just level the damn place with all of its vermin inhabitants.

  • May 29, 2018 @ 9:37 at 9:37

    Just switch OFF water,gas and electricity lines and pipes ………………

  • May 29, 2018 @ 10:30 at 10:30

    the poor palis want attention they cant stand they lost Jerusalem now allahs instruction didn’t work again may the little shitstain mohammed never find peace

  • May 29, 2018 @ 10:47 at 10:47

    Deport them to Yemen so that Joel 3:8 can be fulfilled.

  • May 29, 2018 @ 15:54 at 15:54

    It was – and still is: the sick, tiny “tail” is wagging the huge, strong “dog”.
    AS LONG, as the Israeli leadership let this bunch of two-legged rats dictate the rules of this unspeakably monstrous game, it WILL continue ! Preoccupation with “world opinion”, the U.N. (United Nazis), “humanitarian” considerations, “Purity of Arms” doctrine: all these must and will GO – as they are based
    on misguided, albeit “good sounding” principles – which in turn originate in Diaspora (Galut) mentality and:
    FEAR ! Take it from here: Bibi and Co.

  • May 29, 2018 @ 16:30 at 16:30

    The correct response for every attack should be to destroy the location from which the attack came and then fire another round of permanent ink to mark the spot from which land in chunks of one square km form there ink marking to the Israeli border are now considered permanently ceded to Israel. Since Islam considers all land once taken as their land forever that false belief must be proven false to them with a reverse course of action just like Golan. Golan announcement should include a unilateral declaration of permanent peace on all Israel ‘s borders with the above stipulation. Is does not matter is the attackers are from Ham’sass, Jihad Salami, or Ayatolla’s Baloney, the result would be more Israeli land. The resulting humanitarian problem would there be resolved by allowing people free passage by walking into special safety zones into Israel where they would board buses to Egypt,Syria or Jordan so they would be free to leave any time. This safety zone would have a large movable rocket proof cover. To further expedite this process Israel could unilaterally declare that once Gaza, through the above process reaches 51% transfer to Israel that that automatically cedes the entire remainder. The same with Lebanon zone from Israel to Leitani river and all the various enclavesof Arabs in Israel, and the Sinai. The point is the action taken should be permanent every time. It needs a cutesy name such as The Peace Forever Plan. NEVER again will Israel gives an inch for what has repeatedly proved to be falsistinian peace.

  • May 29, 2018 @ 16:38 at 16:38

    This is not proportional response!
    27 shells, but the cabinet meeting is on 29th?


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