Netanyahu counters Tehran’s threat to “raze Tel Aviv and Haifa”

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Monday that he is not impressed by Iranian threats, but if they go through with razing Tel Aviv and Haifa, “this will be the last time they celebrate their Islamic Revolution.” He was responding to the belligerent remarks made by Guards officers to anniversary rallies.

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15 thoughts on “Netanyahu counters Tehran’s threat to “raze Tel Aviv and Haifa”

  • Feb 11, 2019 @ 22:11 at 22:11

    Russia, Iran, and Turkey are just waiting Netanyahu out as their Sochi Summit Feb 14 ‘miraculously’ seems synchronized to the incoming Mandelblit indictments and the end of the Netanyahu reign.
    Extremely well played…

    • Feb 11, 2019 @ 22:14 at 22:14

      All the world has to do is absorb a few more of Netanyahu’s impotent last gasps as he is toppled by Mandelblit. No one took Bibi’s bait – very mature and well played

      • Feb 12, 2019 @ 20:15 at 20:15

        Rumours of the Bibi leaving the helm are exaggerated and unfounded. You nit-pickers are out of your league. Sun Tzu is successfully played by the Chinese on fat dumb & happy America… you other guys, not so much.

  • Feb 11, 2019 @ 22:17 at 22:17

    Netanyahu went down and the Syrians, Russians, or Iranians didn’t even have to use their s300s. Talk about keeping their powder dry. Brilliant Sun Tsu ‘strategery’ – Netanyahu was KO-ed before the Clean Break fight began

  • Feb 11, 2019 @ 22:43 at 22:43

    Mandebilt paid iff by Russia and Iran? Definitely possible. A grand jury is called for to see if Mandebilt people are getting bribes into foreign accounts or through relatives or friends.

  • Feb 11, 2019 @ 23:34 at 23:34

    An compelling and scholarly explanation of the ‘unwalled villages’ proviso in Ezekiel 38 can be found in the Utube offering”The Imminent Invasion of Israel.” I found this two days ago after much concern that the proviso ruled out a contemporary setting for the Ezekiel prophesy fulfilment.

    • Feb 11, 2019 @ 23:43 at 23:43

      A compelling… prophecy… bad grammar and spell check day. sorry.

  • Feb 11, 2019 @ 23:51 at 23:51

    Environmental issues such as the very low, much to low, temperature under 50,000 degrees centigrade in Tehran and no mushrooms in the sky, take their toll on the frozen thinking of ayatollahs; they keep thinking the same $hit as 40 years ago, when the plague of the islamic revolution destroyed the country.

  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 3:14 at 3:14

    Before it’s too late, I urge the Persian people to SMITE the ayatoolas and their revolutionary gestapo.

  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 4:12 at 4:12

    I think only war will solve israel-iran-arabs problem, funny to watch. I hope they destroy each other, and let every body in the world rest for a while at last

    • Feb 12, 2019 @ 15:16 at 15:16

      @ Henry Not going to happen, I am afraid. The world is in the Latter Days now. Read the Bible and find out how to survive. You might get some God-given rest at the end of it.

  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 4:25 at 4:25

    Israel is not looking for war. it is the Muslimes countries that are constantly waging war against Israel and against each other, look at Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Libya, Yemen… all Muslime countries and most with Iran involved,. The ayatollahs want to rule the world. The people of Persia should rise up and destroy them.

  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 8:37 at 8:37

    Israel should not respond untill the Iranian threath is a fact.
    Israel should strike First.

    Action always beath reaction.


  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 15:13 at 15:13

    @arn.Sweden Delightfully illogical post. Could you not make it more contradictory?

  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 21:05 at 21:05

    Talk, talk, talk… all about who has the bigger… missile


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