Netanyahu: Israel is tackling Iran in Syria even now

Opening the Knesset’s winter session on Monday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared: “We are doing battle with Iran in Syria even now and will continue to push it back.” He spoke the day after DEBKAfile noted the absence of Israeli air strikes over Syria for the past 30 days. “I do all I can to prevent any superfluous wars,” said the prime minister. “But if we are called on to fight enemies, they will feel the full force of our punch.” Netanyahu stressed that he maintains “direct contact with Putin.” The Russian president “highly prizes our friendship and the mutual respect between us,” he said, “because it enables us to deal with the extremely complex challenges of our region.” This connection is important to Israeli security, said Netanyahu in his speech. “But most important of all is the continuing consolidation of the steadfast pact with our great friend, the United States.”

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2 thoughts on “Netanyahu: Israel is tackling Iran in Syria even now

  • Oct 17, 2018 @ 6:00 at 6:00

    Israel stop cutting the tails of the snakes. To kill the snakes cut the head. Hashem will protect us. Don’t fight Iran by there rules go straight to Tehran. They are hitting Israel now hit them back. You don’t have to even let them know who did it. Keep them guessing. If they start it’s a war with the USA and Saudi Arabia. Russians won’t do a thing. They care about Syria. Iran’s there competition. Even knock out there oil fields. The US government will help the new regime with our Russian and Israeli partners rebuild it. Will get war reparations B”H.


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