Netanyahu mulls proposal to call off September election

Under discussion among Israel’s parties is a proposal made by Knesset Speaker Yuri Edelstein to repeal the law dissolving the Knesset which would automatically cancel the second snap general election to be held this year in September.  Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said he would look into the idea in the coming days. As legal experts examine the legitimacy of this step, certain high-placed Likud politicians are reported to be holding quiet talks with Blue-White opposition leaders on a possible national unity government to be set up if the vote is called off. Proposed is a deal to rotate the premiership between Binyamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz. However, Blue-White issued a statement Tuesday night alleging that the rumored plan is another of Netanyahu’s spins to save his party from losing the election.

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6 thoughts on “Netanyahu mulls proposal to call off September election

  • Jun 26, 2019 @ 0:33 at 0:33

    Our united voice here on Debka urging for more Sanctions have been echoed today at the UN where the Israeli Envoy called thew international community to impose even more sanctions on Iran! What glory! Sanctions will give us Victory!! UN is Ours!!! Iran is Panicking!!! All Treasure IS Ours!! All Gold!! hahahahahaha hahaha

    • Jun 26, 2019 @ 9:01 at 9:01

      what has this stupidity to do with any thing??????
      first time that you are allowed to drink alcohol becaus the ayattolah is not watching you?
      that is what it seems like

  • Jun 26, 2019 @ 17:01 at 17:01

    It’s like democracy, only pretend.

    With apartheid.

  • Jun 26, 2019 @ 18:38 at 18:38

    BREAKING: Speaker Mitch McConnell just OK’d Senate Vote on stopping any further attempted ‘Netanyahu/Neocon War on Iran’ by preempting these moves of the Israeli/Israeli Lobby Forces. The court ordered release of Mueller’s Report on the Flynn-Kislyak offers from Netanyahu to Kushner to Flynn, which Mueller intercepted and decrypted.
    The long national nightmare of Netanyahu/Neocons in America is over

    • Jun 26, 2019 @ 18:45 at 18:45

      ‘The long national nightmare of Netanyahu/Neocons in America is over’

      – and not a moment too soon! They got stuffed on their war on Iran – they essentially gave WWIII/War on Iran and nobody came. BUSTED!

  • Jun 27, 2019 @ 16:09 at 16:09

    Why to have election at all . Lets have Sasha Barron Cohen reinstalled as Dictator for the monkey nuke producing state of Israel , fully supported by insane USA and European Union , for no other reason that they could buy and sell everyone in there . Why even to have country called Israel . Lets rename it the state of insane religious freedom that are full of gays and dislocated citizens , that should all go back where they came from . Ganz for the PM , sounds like the name –all end ganz und ginuk .


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