Netanyahu orders more forces deployed to Gaza sector
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in his role as defense minister conferred on Tuesday with the chief of staff and defense officials on the Gaza crisis. He ordered the army to transfer another infantry brigade and artillery battalion to the Gaza sector to further boost the ground troops standing by there for further orders. The Chief of Statt approved a second call-up of reserves and cancelled a battalion strength maneuver.
Bibi, You have the capital, use it. No Cease Fire until it looks like Dresden 1945.
Let the Qataris understand you can play this game all day, as they pay Hamas, they rebuild, fire rockets, mortars, then they get complete destruction of infrastructure in return.,…..
No ground game, at some point, even Qatar will realize the insanity of it,
Let us not exaggerate, I saw pictures of Dresden in 1945 and shamefully there were some walls still up, and even worst: one could easily perceive there was a city there before!
What are you waiting for? Go in. Start shooting the criminals
Led by you, Lime.
Just send poison gas, so you keep the infeastructure to build a theme park. The walls are there the checkpoints can be reused to collect entrance fees.
it is time to annex the full gaza and expluse the palestinians to qatary egypt yemen syria Lebanon jordan annex cisjordan to