Netanyahu sets off on groundbreaking trips to Singapore and Australia
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is due to meeting President Tan Keng Yam after he lands in Singapore Monday morning, followed by talks with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, a visit to Singapore's Magen Avot Synagogue, which dates back to 1878, and a meeting with representatives of the state's 2,500- strong Jewish community. This is the first visit to the island-state by an Israeli prime minister, who is accompanied by his wife Sara..
Tuesday afternoon, he flies to Sydney, landing the next morning for a day of meetings with the Governor-General Peter Cosgrove and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, followed by a joint press conference.
The two prime ministers will attend an event at Sydney's Great Synagogue and on Thursday, they will visit the Moriah College Jewish day school. On Friday, Netanyahu is scheduled to meet opposition leader Bill Shorten.